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Chrome extension for identifying insecure code

In a bid to help developers keep their websites clear of security holes, Google has built – and offered for free – a (currently experimental) Chrome extension …

iCloud search ends with fake AV

Following Steve Jobs’ announcement of Apple’s entry into the cloud business, the term “iCloud” has quickly become a trending topic. And cyber scammers …

Trojan targets devices with custom Android versions

A Trojan targeting rooted smartphones and those with custom built versions of Android has been spotted on third-party Android markets in China. Lookout researchers have dubbed …

Plankton Android Trojan found in 10 apps on Android Market

Ten more applications have been pulled from the Google’s official Android Market following a notification that they contained a new kind of Android malware. The malware …

How search engine poisoning works

Imperva disclosed the intricate workings of a Search Engine Poisoning (SEP) campaign. The attack was extremely successful and continued to run for at least 15 months without …

Google enhances Safe Browsing protection in Chrome

Google released Chrome 12 to the Stable Channel for all platforms. Chrome 12.0.742.91 includes a number of new features and updates, including: Hardware accelerated 3D CSS New …

Run Nessus on your Android device

Tenable has released an Android application for its Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, enabling Nessus users to remotely connect to a Nessus server, launch scans and review reports …

Gmail deactivation spam run leads to phishing forms on Google Docs

A week ago, F-Secure researchers have uncovered a number of spreadsheets with a form functionality that are apparently designed to act as phishing forms. Today, one of these …

Google disrupts phishing attack against government officials, political activists

An attack apparently coming from Jinan – the capital of China’s Shandong province – against personal Gmail accounts belonging to hundreds of users has been …

Auto-dialing Trojans migrate to Android devices

Auto-dialing malware has migrated from Symbian devices to Android ones, warns NetQin Mobile researchers. The Trojan has been spotted embedded in over 20 Android applications …

26 trojanized apps pulled from Android Market

26 applications containing a variation of the DroidDream Trojan have been found on the official Android Market and are believed to have been downloaded by at least 30,000 …

Phishing forms on Google Docs

Google Docs is a handy online service for creating various types of documents that are hosted by the company in their cloud and can be made accessible to the greater public. …

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