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Anonymous bloggers in danger of being exposed

You’re a blogger who, for whatever reason, wishes to remain anonymous. You are careful not to mention anything that could tie the blog to you, and you have gone through …

Bogus chat spying Facebook app targets users

No matter how often fake “See who viewed your profile” apps are touted on Facebook, there are always users that fall for the trick and follow the steps required by …

Why do malicious Android apps come from China?

It seems like every time we hear about a malicious application aimed at Android users, it is always distributed by third-party Chinese app markets. You might wonder why the …

Android malware is stealing your data

The second half of 2011 has been an active one for cyber criminals, who have been increasingly looking for chances to set up new scams in the mobile device environment. …

Manage all mobile devices from one destination

Lookout Mobile Security offers security protection and find-my-phone functionality to all tablet devices, including all Honeycomb and Ice Cream Sandwich Android devices, in …

Bug allows remote code execution in Chrome

In September ACROS Security notified Google about a peculiar behavior of the Chrome browser that can be exploited for execution of remote code outside Chrome sandbox under …

Hardened Android kernel to be used by U.S. Army, government

The U.S. government is looking at replacing radio communication between federal, state and local law enforcement and response agencies with communication with smartphones, and …

Beware of bogus Gmail Hacker software

Hacking into someone’s mail account can be easy if the person chose an easily guessable password, but could be nigh impossible to brute force it if it’s long and …

The state of hacked accounts

Most users get hacked at high rates even when they do not think they are engaging in risky behavior, with 62% unaware of how their accounts had been compromised, according to …

Picasa Web Albums and Yahoo! Groups are loved by spammers

Cyber crooks and spammers are always on the lookout for ways to reach and victimize the largest amount of individuals possible. And sometimes even Internet giants such as …

Law enforcement increasingly asking Internet companies to share data

The fact that one can find out a lot about a person’s interests, movements and opinions from their Facebook and Twitter accounts, Google searches and messages exchanged …

Content protection for Android devices

Elliptic Technologies expanded its DTCP-IP content protection offering to include support for Android used in a myriad of consumer devices, including DLNA enabled smartphones …

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