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Google broadens Patch Rewards Program

Google has announced the expansion of its recently unveiled Patch Reward Program, which urges security researchers to submit patches for third-party open source software …

Safari, Chrome and Samsung Galaxy S4 taken down in Mobile Pwn2Own

Results from the second annual Mobile Pwn2Own competition ending today at PacSec Applied Security Conference in Tokyo, Japan, are in: the successful compromises include …

Avoiding fallout from Google’s blacklist

Small businesses remain prime targets for cybercrime. For small businesses, particularly entering the holiday season, the fallout from an attack is significant: hacked …

Google tests new Chrome feature for thwarting rogue plugins

A new feature that has been added to Google Canary is set to help users remove changes effected by malware that switches their homepage or injects ads into the sites their …

NSA taps cables connecting Google and Yahoo data centers

The US NSA and its UK counterpart GCHQ have collaborated in tapping the overseas fiber-optic cables used by Google and Yahoo to exchange data stored in their many data centers …

Google updates reCAPTCHA, makes things easier for users

Google aims to make life easier for its users and more difficult for botmasters with the introduction of the updated reCAPTCHA tool. The announcement was made on Friday by … compromised to serve malware

On Thursday, Google’s Safe Browsing service began warning visitors to that the website was discovered serving malware. Initially, most people and PHP maintainers …

Data visualization of global DDoS attacks

Arbor Networks have collaborated with Google Ideas to create a data visualization that maps global DDoS attacks. Google Ideas – a “think/do’ tank – …

Google offers rewards for code improvements to open source programs

Google has announced that they plan to reward researchers who aim to “improve the security of key third-party software critical to the health of the entire …

NSA impersonated Google in MitM attacks

After all the recent revelations about the NSA and their surveillance and encryption-foiling activities, would it surprise you to know that the agency or its British …

Bogus hacking Android apps offered on Google Play

Getting your Android apps from Google Play is always a better bet than picking them up from third party online marketplaces, but you also can’t be completely sure you …

Fake AVG AV apps offered on Google Play

However hard Google works to prevent malicious apps from being offered on Google Play, its official online Android market, some always get through. AVG researchers warn about …

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