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Many Android apps can track your location, access photos

An alarming proportion of Android applications can find and open private photographs on smartphones, track users’ locations, divulge e-mail addresses over the internet …

$2.7 million await successful Pwnium 4 contestants

Google has, once again, called security researchers to participate in its annual Pwnium contest scheduled to be held at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver in …

Chrome bugs allow websites to listen in on your conversations

Several security flaws in the popular Google Chrome browser can be exploited to turn the computer into a surreptitious listening device, claims Israeli developer Tal Ater. As …

Ad-pushers buy Chrome add-ons, update them to inject ads

Google has a new problem: original add-on developers are being bought out by ad firms and their creations equipped with code serving ads to unsuspecting users. The practice …

How effective are Android AV solutions?

As the onslaught of Android malware continues, the recently released testing results by independent IT-security institute AV-Test show that most providers of Android antivirus …

Security implications of Google’s decision to display images in Gmail by default

This Thursday, Google announced that it will, once again, be displaying attached images in emails sent to Gmail users by default. Years back, Google decided to stop doing just …

NSA uses Google cookies to track and target suspects

Newly published documents from Edward Snowden’s trove show that the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ use Google’s “preferences” cookies to follow …

Tech giants call for government surveillance reform

Eight Internet giants have formally urged the US president and Congress to reform and limit government surveillance, and have offered several suggestions on how to do it. AOL, …

Rogue apps can remove Android device locks

Security researchers from German IT consultancy Curesec have uncovered the existence of an Android flaw that could allow hackers to remove all existing device locks activated …

Google encourages teens to contribute to open source projects

For the fourth year in a row, Google has organized its Code-in contest for pre-university students to contribute to open source projects. “For many students the Google …

Google settles Safari user tracking case, will pay $17 million

A settlement has been reached to end the lawsuit filed by 37 US states and the District of Columbia against Google because the Internet giant has been found bypassing …

1.2% of apps on Google Play are repackaged to deliver ads, collect info

Not a month goes by without security researchers finding new malicious apps on Google Play. According to BitDefender, more than one percent of 420,000+ analyzed apps offered …

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