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Scammers use Google AdWords, fake Windows BSOD to steal money from users

Faced with the infamous Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), many unexperienced computer users’ first reaction is panic. If that screen contains a toll free number …

Mapping the underground cybercrime economy in order to disrupt it

You’ve surely heard – everybody has – about the existence of an underground economy that allowed the proliferation of Internet crime. Many years ago cyber …

Malware-infected game discovered on Google Play, up to 1 million users at risk

Check Point researchers found sophisticated new malware on Google Play which has infected between 200,000 and 1 million users. The malware is packaged within an Android game …

Symantec fires employees who issued rogue Google certificates

Symantec has fired several employees that have been involved in the issuing of rogue certificates for some Google domains.“We learned on Wednesday that a small number of …

Privacy International helps individuals find out if they were spied on by the GCHQ

Continuing with its “Did GCHQ Illegally Spy On You?” campaign, Privacy International has set up a website with instructions for individuals and organizations on how to …

Attack code for critical Android Stagefright flaw published

After having graciously waited for quite a while to publish the exploit for the Android Stagefright vulnerability (CVE-2015-1538) so that Google, mobile carriers and device …

New Android malware could inflict $250,000 of losses

Bitdefender has uncovered CAPTCHA-bypassing Android malware, purposefully left in Google Play apps by unscrupulous developers, with the aim of subscribing thousands of users …

Major browser makers synchronize end of support for RC4

Mozilla, Google and Microsoft have come to an agreement: support for the increasingly vulnerable RC4 cryptographic cypher in the companies’ browsers will end in early …

Spotting malicious apps on Android markets just got easier

“Spotting malicious apps before they are offered for download and/or removing them is a tough challenge for every online Android app marketplace, including Google Play, …

Google plugs Google Admin app sandbox bypass 0-day

After having had some trouble with fixing a sandbox bypass vulnerability in the Google Admin Android app, the Google Security team has finally released on Friday an update …

Google’s Android Stagefright patch is flawed

The security update released by Google last week does not provide a complete defense against attackers taking advantage of the recently unearthed Stagefright Android …

Google adds another obstacle for developers of deceptive Chrome extensions

Starting on September 3, Google will begin disabling inline installation (i.e. installation from the developer’s website) for extensions linked to deceptive sites and …

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