Google fixes 108 bugs in July Android security update
Google has released an unusually hefty Android Security Bulletin for July. In fact, so many vulnerabilities have been fixed – 108 in all – that the patches come in …

Chrome vulnerability lets attackers steal movies from streaming services
A significant security vulnerability in Google technology that is supposed to protect videos streamed via Google Chrome has been discovered by researchers from the Ben-Gurion …

Google’s new authentication option: a tap on the screen
Google knowns that usability is a pre-requisite for security, so they’ve come up (yet again) with a new option within the 2-step verification feature for Google …

Malware devs scour GitHub for new ideas for bypassing Android security
Android malware developers are misusing techniques unearthed in GitHub projects to bypass security measures introduced in the latest versions of the mobile OS. GitHub, the …

Google Chrome update includes 15 security fixes
Google has released Chrome 51.0.2704.79 to address multiple vulnerabilities for Windows, Linux, and OS X. Exploitation of some of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote …

Improving software security through a data-driven security model
The current software security models, policies, mechanisms, and means of assurance are a relic of the times when software began being developed, and have not evolved along …
Google Allo messaging app offers end-to-end crypto, but not as default
On Wednesday, at its annual developer-focused conference, Google introduced two new cross-platform apps: Allo and Duo. Google Allo is a messaging app, and Duo is a video …

Google drops support for old crypto on Gmail, SMTP servers
In less than a month, Google will stop supporting SSLv3 and RC4 on its SMTP and Gmail’s web servers. The end of support is not unexpected, as the Internet giant announced the …

Gboard enhances your keyboard, but what about your privacy?
Gboard is a Google app for your iPhone that lets you search and send information, GIFs, emojis and more, right from your keyboard. You can search and send anything from …

The fragile security of the mobile ecosystem
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become indispensable in our daily lives. In fact, in Q4 2015, smartphones accounted for around 75 percent of all mobile …

Solutions for the hijacked websites problem
According to a group of researchers from Google and University of California Berkeley, roughly 16,500 new sites get hijacked each week and start serving drive-by-malware or …

Chrome Web Store developers have to improve user data transparency
Google has announced that it’s modifying the User Data Policy for the Chrome Web Store, and developers have three months to make the needed changes if they don’t …