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Google to enforce HTTPS on TLDs it controls

In its sustained quest to bring encryption to all existing Web sites, Google has announced that it will start enforcing HTTPS for the 45 Top-Level Domains it operates. How …

Widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server Dnsmasq riddled with flaws

Google researchers have discovered seven serious vulnerabilities in Dnsmasq, a lightweight, widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server for small computer networks. Dnsmasq is …

Google Chrome
Google Chrome most resilient against attacks, researchers find

Researchers have analyzed Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Internet Explorer, and found Chrome to be the most resilient against attacks. “Modern web browsers such as …

Google Chrome
Chrome will tag FTP sites as “Not secure”

Google Chrome 63, expected to be released sometime around December, will label resources delivered over the FTP protocol as “Not secure”, a member of the Chrome …

Phishers targeting LinkedIn users via hijacked accounts

A new phishing campaign has been spotted hitting LinkedIn users via direct messages and the LinkedIn InMail feature. They are sent from legitimate LinkedIn Premium accounts …

Google security
Google Dashboard becomes mobile-friendly

Google Dashboard, a privacy tool through which users can see what Google has learned about them through their use of the company’s products, has been redesigned. …

Using behavior analysis to solve API security problems

When people think about complex security challenges, airport security might be the most familiar. The scope of challenges and implications of breaches are daunting. This is …

Android explode
Tech firms band together to take down Android DDoS botnet

An ad-hoc alliance of tech firms has managed to seriously cripple an Android-based botnet that was being actively used to DDoS multiple content providers. The botnet, dubbed …

Android Oreo
Android Oreo: What’s new on the security front

On Monday, Google released the long-awaited Android 8.0 Oreo in an unveiling that coincided with the total solar eclipse visible in much of the US. The newest version of the …

Google wants iOS Gmail users to think twice about following suspicious links

Google has announced the rollout of new anti-phishing checks for the iOS Gmail app: in less than two weeks, all users will be confronted with two warnings if they attempt to …

Android malware
Lippizan: Sophisticated, targeted spyware on Google Play

Google has discovered targeted spyware on Google Play that is likely the work of Equus Technologies, an Israeli cyber surveillance technology dealer. The malware, dubbed …

Google Play Protect
Google Play Protect scans for malicious apps

By now, many Android users that have the Google Play Store app on their devices should be able to find Google Play Protect in it. What is Google Play Protect? Google Play …

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