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Google Play
300.000+ users downloaded malware droppers from Google Play

Since August 2021, malware peddlers have managed to spread four families of Android banking trojans via malware droppers introduced in Google Play. They did it by employing a …

Google Play malware
Rooting malware discovered on Google Play, Samsung Galaxy Store

Researchers have discovered 19 mobile apps carrying rooting malware on official and third-party Android app stores, including Google Play and Samsung Galaxy Store. …

Pixalate raises $18.1M to accelerate global expansion and media ratings platform

Pixalate announces $18.1 million of additional growth capital bringing the total investment to $22.7 million to date. Pixalate empowers organizations to navigate the …

Mitch Lowe invests in UseCrypt to offer privacy in the field of telecommunications

Mitch Lowe – co-founder senior executive of Netflix, long time president of Redbox and Moviepass, has joined UseCrypt. The official announcement took place in Monaco, …

Kdan Mobile raises $16M to increase its global footprint

Kdan Mobile Software announced that it has raised $16M in Series B funding from a who’s who of global investors, including Dattoz Partners (South Korea), WI Harper Group …

Google Play
New security measures to keep Google Play safe

Google is announcing two new security measures aimed at minimizing the number of malicious / potentially unwanted apps available for download from the Google Play Store: …

Bitcoin Security Rectifier app aims to make Bitcoin more secure

A computer science engineer at Michigan State University has a word of advice for the millions of bitcoin owners who use smartphone apps to manage their cryptocurrency: …

16% of mobile devices in developing markets now infected with malware

Mobile users already disadvantaged by an economic and digital divide have suffered the most from digital fraud throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In emerging markets such as …

fleeceware apps
Fleeceware apps extract hundreds of dollars per year from their users through subscription services

Avast has discovered more than 200 new fleeceware applications on the Apple App Store and the Google PlayStore. The apps have been downloaded approximately one billion times …

Popular Android apps are rife with cryptographic vulnerabilities

Columbia University researchers have released Crylogger, an open source dynamic analysis tool that shows which Android apps feature cryptographic vulnerabilities. They also …

The FBI expects a surge of mobile banking threats

The increased use of mobile banking apps due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sure to be followed by an increased prevalence of mobile banking threats: fake banking apps and …

mobile payment
93% of attempted mobile transactions in 2019 were fraudulent

93 percent of total mobile transactions in 20 countries were blocked as fraudulent in 2019 according to a report on the state of malware and mobile ad fraud released by …

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