Google Cloud
Exabeam SMP enhancements help orgs defend against threats to cloud-based data
Exabeam announced a major enhancement to the Exabeam Security Management Platform (SMP), enabling organizations to detect improper access of cloud storage objects and defend …
Cysiv partners with Google Cloud to help customers simplify the security of their cloud workloads
Cysiv announced it has become part of the Google Cloud Technology Partner Co-sell Program. Google Cloud’s global sales force will now collaborate with Cysiv to help …

What is confidential computing? How can you use it?
What is confidential computing? Can it strengthen enterprise security? Nelly Porter, Senior Product Manager, Google Cloud and Sam Lugani, Lead Security PMM, Google Workspace …
DataStax Astra provides developers with more deployment options to run Cassandra workloads
DataStax announced that enterprises and developers now have the freedom to run any Apache Cassandra workload, anywhere, at global-scale with DataStax Astra on Amazon Web …
Tanium and Google Cloud partner to deliver security transformation
Tanium has expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to help organizations accelerate the transformation to distributed business operations. This new offering, sold by …
Google Cloud and AppViewX partner to secure digital identities
AppViewX announced its partnership with Google Cloud to support its newly announced Google Cloud Certificate Authority Service (CAS) with AppViewX’s Certificate …

Public cloud environments leave numerous paths open for exploitation
As organizations across industries rapidly deploy more assets in the public cloud with Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, they’re leaving numerous paths open for exploitation, …
Sonrai Dig maps relationships between identities and data inside public clouds
Sonrai Security announced the Governance Automation Engine for Sonrai Dig, re-inventing how customers ensure security in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and Kubernetes by …
InfluxDB Cloud now available on Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and AWS
InfluxData announced that InfluxDB Cloud is now available on Microsoft Azure, furthering the company’s commitment to increase accessibility to developers. With this …
Renault and Google Cloud join forces to accelerate Industry 4.0 transformation
Groupe Renault and Google Cloud announced a new industrial and technology partnership to accelerate the digitization of Groupe Renault’s industrial system and of …
Thought Machine Vault now runs on Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud
Thought Machine, the cloud native core banking technology firm, has announced that its core banking platform Vault now runs on every major cloud infrastructure provider …
Quantum Metric platform now available on Google Cloud Marketplace
Quantum Metric, the platform that helps organizations build better digital products faster, announced its availability on Google Cloud Marketplace. The Google Cloud …