GitHub adds Python support for security alerts
GitHub has announced that its recently introduced feature for alerting developers about known vulnerabilities in software packages that their projects depend on will now also …

AutoSploit: Automated mass exploitation of remote hosts using Shodan and Metasploit
A “cyber security enthusiast” that goes by VectorSEC on Twitter has published AutoSploit, a Python-based tool that takes advantage of Shodan and Metasploit modules …

GitHub starts alerting developers of security vulnerabilities in dependencies
Popular Git repository hosting service GitHub has introduced a new feature to help developers keep their projects safer: security alerts for vulnerabilities in software …

Facebook and GitHub test new account recovery option
Facebook and GitHub have partnered to provide GitHub users who employ two-factor authentication an easier way to recover access to their account in case they get locked out of …

8 million GitHub profiles scraped, data found leaking online
Technology recruitment site GeekedIn has scraped 8 million GitHub profiles and left the information exposed in an unsecured MongoDB database. The backup of the database was …

GitHub accounts compromised in wake of reused password attack
Three days ago, an unknown attacker has been spotted trying to break into a large number of GitHub accounts and has managed to access some of them, Shawn Davenport, Vice …

Malware devs scour GitHub for new ideas for bypassing Android security
Android malware developers are misusing techniques unearthed in GitHub projects to bypass security measures introduced in the latest versions of the mobile OS. GitHub, the …

GCHQ open sources Gaffer, a data collection and mining framework
GCHQ, the UK equivalent of the US National Security Agency (NSA), has released on Monday the source code of Gaffer, a graph database that optimised for “retrieving data …