Geoff Webb

Would you let Amazon unlock your door?
Amazon recently announced the launch of the Amazon Key, allowing the Amazon delivery person to open your door in order to place your package inside, where presumably it will …

Don’t let cybercrime hold your innovation to ransom
When things break, our natural instinct is to look for someone to blame. Why? Because nothing happens by accident. It’s either done on purpose, a casualty of neglect or lack …

Ready, set, race to the IoT hub
Battle lines are being drawn. Armies are being marshaled. Territory is being eyed and strategies drawn up with military precision. But this war is about to be fought in your …

Bracing for the Denial of Things
Turn out the lights in any major city in the developed world, and you know what? It’s not really all that dark. Unless you’ve managed to lock yourself in a broom closet (I …

Will the IoT force truck stops?
“Not with a bang, but with a whimper,” that was how T.S. Eliot described how the world would end, in his 1925 poem “The Hollow Men.” Things don’t always end in …

Don’t take your hands off the wheel
Let me tell you a story. It’s a story about my brother-in-law, whom, for the sake of decency, we’ll call Steve. Steve has a new car. He loves that new car. It’s great. Does …

The gift that keeps giving away your data
If you unwrapped a shiny, new connected device this holiday season, it’s likely that you’re in the honeymoon stage, reaping many benefits from your new device. However, this …

The early IoT gets the worm
Five days after the start of World War I, Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, remarked to a close friend, “The lights are going out all over Europe, we shall not see …

Building the IoT monster
When Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, she imagined the misguided doctor assembling his creature from dead body parts, who instead of elevating science, created something dark …

Democracy for the Internet of Things
In the past I’ve written a number of times on the way that the IoT potentially changes the relationship between governments and their constituents – and a profound change that …

IoT-based DDoS attacks on the rise
Cybercriminal networks are increasingly taking advantage of lax Internet of Things device security to spread malware and create zombie networks, or botnets, unbeknownst to …

IoT Village uncovers 47 security vulnerabilities across 23 devices
New dangers in both home security and municipal power facilities were revealed as the results of the 2nd Annual IoT Village, held at DEF CON 24 in Las Vegas. More than 47 new …
Featured news
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- Building cyber resilience in banking: Expert insights on strategy, risk, and regulation
- CISO vs. CIO: Where security and IT leadership clash (and how to fix it)
- Why a push for encryption backdoors is a global security risk
- Innovation vs. security: Managing shadow AI risks
- Commix: Open-source OS command injection exploitation tool