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identity theft
Growing complexity is driving operational changes to privacy programs

A majority of companies are adopting a single global data protection strategy to manage evolving privacy programs, and that managing the expanding ecosystem of third parties …

Top concerns for audit executives? Cyber risks and data governance

As organizations continue to collect customer and employee data, chief audit executives (CAEs) are increasingly concerned about how to govern and protect it. Gartner conducted …

Rapid SaaS adoption compounds visibility concerns

The stakes are higher than ever to ensure that their organizations are protected from a security and compliance perspective, but new survey data from Blissfully shows that IT …

Capgemini report
Companies vastly overestimating their GDPR readiness, only 28% achieving compliance

Over a year on from the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Capgemini Research Institute has found that companies vastly overestimated their …

Organizations continue to struggle with privacy regulations

Many organizations’ privacy statements fail to meet common privacy principles outlined in GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, including the user’s right to request information, to …

How to navigate critical data security and privacy policy challenges

By 2020, there will be 40x more bytes of data than there are stars in the universe as we know it. And with data growth comes more security and privacy obstacles for …

More than a year after GDPR implementation, half of UK businesses are not fully compliant

52% of UK businesses are not fully compliant with the regulation, more than a year after its implementation, according to a survey of UK GDPR decision-makers conducted on …

When will the GDPR pot boil over? It’s sooner (and different) than you think

There’s an old saying that a watched pot never boils. In reality, the sauce in that pot is heating up in a way we can’t quite see yet. After the major compliance ramp by …

Current methods for anonymizing data leave individuals at risk of being re-identified

With the first large fines for breaching GDPR upon us, even anonymized datasets can be traced back to individuals using machine learning, researchers from University of …

Most consumers still don’t know how brands are using their data

Despite the past year’s global focus on GDPR and other data privacy regulations designed to give consumers more power over their data, more than half (55 percent) of consumers …

Inside the plane
British Airways is facing £183 million fine for 2018 data breach

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) wants British Airways to pay a £183.39 million (nearly $230 million) fine for failing to protect personal and financial …

Priorities IT pros follow to ensure ingrained privacy and compliance

Products that help businesses discover and map data flows top the list of purchase plans and the privacy team is playing a larger role in privacy tech purchasing decisions as …

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