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Top priorities for compliance leaders this year

Legal, compliance and privacy leaders list strengthening their personal impact on company strategy as their top priority for 2024, according to Gartner. Improving third party …

Why CISOs need to build cyber fault tolerance into their business

CISOs who elevate response and recovery to equal status with prevention are generating more value than those who adhere to outdated zero tolerance for failure mindsets, …

zero trust
Essential steps for zero-trust strategy implementation

63% of organizations worldwide have fully or partially implemented a zero-trust strategy, according to Gartner. For 78% of organizations implementing a zero-trust strategy, …

Uncertainty is the most common driver of noncompliance

Most compliance leaders tend to focus on building an ethical culture in their organizations to improve employee behavior, but it has a limited impact on addressing uncertainty …

AI risks under the auditor’s lens more than ever

According to a recent Gartner survey, widespread GenAI adoption has resulted in a scramble to provide audit coverage for potential risks arising from the technology’s …

8 cybersecurity predictions shaping the future of cyber defense

Among Gartner’s top predictions are the collapse of the cybersecurity skills gap and the reduction of employee-driven cybersecurity incidents through the adoption of …

92% of companies eyeing investment in AI-powered software

In 2024, buyers are increasingly focused on cost efficiency, AI functionality, and enhanced security, according to Gartner. The report reveals that 61% of buyers are seeking …

Essential questions for developing effective human rights policies

Growing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) expectations and expanding global regulation are propelling organizations to consider implementing a stand-alone human …

Chris Mixter
CISOs’ crucial role in aligning security goals with enterprise expectations

In this Help Net Security interview, Chris Mixter, Vice President, Analyst at Gartner, discusses the dynamic world of CISOs and how their roles have evolved significantly over …

cybersecurity budget
Facts and misconceptions about cybersecurity budgets

Managing and allocating budgets for cybersecurity and IT has become an increasingly critical aspect of organizational strategy. Organizations recognize the need to invest …

Legal, compliance and privacy leaders anxious about rapid GenAI adoption

Rapid GenAI adoption is the top-ranked issue for the next two years for legal, compliance and privacy leaders, according to Gartner. 70% of respondents reported rapid GenAI …

The perils of over-reliance on single cloud providers

The risk associated with dependence on a particular cloud provider for multiple business capabilities is in the top five emerging risks for organizations for the second …

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