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Eavesdropping scam: A new scam call tactic

Hiya has detected the newest scam call tactic, the eavesdropping scam. The new scam aims to get users to call back by leaving vague voicemail messages where an unknown voice …

Consumer fraud tripled in the last two years

Reported cases of consumer fraud more than tripled in the years 2020-2021 from prior years, finds a new report by Accenture, presenting a growing challenge for public safety …

Internal auditors stepping up to become strategic advisors in the fight against fraud

A report from the Internal Audit Foundation, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and Kroll, is based on a recent global survey and focus groups with internal auditors, …

identity theft
Traditional identity fraud losses soar, totalling $52 billion in 2021

A study shows that traditional identity fraud losses, caused by criminals illegally using victims’ information to steal money, exploded in 2021 to $24 billion — an alarming …

phone call
We need an industry-backed, tech-neutral resource to restore trust in voice communications

With illegal robocalls now representing nearly half of all unwanted calls in the U.S., consumers are opting to simply not pick up their phones. In fact, studies show that in …

tax season
Beware of old and new tax-themed scams and schemes

April 18 marks the end of the 2022 US tax season and those individuals who are yet to file their taxes should get a move on. But they should not throw caution to the wind, as …

payment card
Payment fraud attack rate across fintech ballooned 70% in 2021

Sift released a report, detailing the increasingly sophisticated — and often automated — tactics cybercriminals leverage to commit payment fraud. Derived from a global network …

Attackers have come to love APIs as much as developers

Cequence Security released a report revealing that both developers and attackers have made the shift to APIs. Of the 21.1 billion transactions analyzed in the last half of …

Shipping fraud quickly emerging as one of the top fraud types

The continuous growth of e-commerce could be behind a surge in shipping fraud, which is now the fastest growing type of digital fraud worldwide, according to a TransUnion …

identity theft
Cosumers don’t think they can dodge identity fraud

Nearly one in 10 smartphone users in the UK (9%), as many as 5.7 million people, have fallen victim to identity fraud in the last 12 months, according to a research by GBG. …

Consumers demand a digital banking experience with security at its foundation

The global transformation of banking and payments has only accelerated over the past few years, and between web trends and a global pandemic, the industry has seen disruption …

Fraud detection and prevention costs merchants more than fraud itself

European merchants spent nearly €7 billion on fraud detection and prevention in 2021 alone – more than three times the value lost to fraud in the same year, CMSPI estimates. …

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