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Most corporate finance leaders expect to change fraud-fighting strategies

Today’s senior finance executives are battling record levels of fraud, in turn narrowing corporate focus and limiting resources that could otherwise be devoted to …

Flashpoint dark web
Dark web fraud guides reveal potential threats to orgs

An in-depth look at content from more than 1,000 fraud guides available for sale on the dark web revealed that the majority of these guides are useless. Still, as many as 20 …

Who’s responsible for fixing SS7 security issues?

The WannaCry ransomware onslaught has overshadowed some of the other notable happenings this month, including the spectacular Google-themed phishing/spamming attack, and the …

Why businesses should care about identity theft

Identity theft is a type of fraud that’s directed squarely against individuals, but to believe that businesses don’t suffer any consequences or costs associated …

How fraudsters stole millions with the help of a legitimate online tool

Identity thieves have managed to steal $30 million from the US Internal Revenue Service by taking advantage of an online tool designed to help students fill out financial aid …

Most organizations were victims of business email compromise in 2016

Nearly three quarters of corporate treasury and finance professionals said their companies were victims of payments fraud last year, according to the Association for Financial …

Online fraudsters’ preferred tools and techniques revealed

A new report by DataVisor Threat Labs has provided unprecedented insight into the behaviors and attack techniques of some of the world’s largest online crime rings, and …

Business ideas
The time to fortify your organization against CNP fraud is now

When it comes to EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) security chip adoption, the United States is the clear laggard. According to EMVCo, only 7.2% of “card present” …

Scammers are blending W-2 phishing with wire fraud

During last year’s run-up to the US Tax Day, scammers mercilessly targeted companies’ payroll and human resources professionals, tricking them into handing over …

How to minimize the risk and impact of identity fraud

The number of identity fraud victims increased by sixteen percent (rising to 15.4 million U.S. consumers) in the last year, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. They …

82% of executives experienced a fraud incident in the past year

Fraud, cyber, and security incidents are now the “new normal” for companies across the world, according to the executives surveyed for a new Kroll report. The …

80% of digital publishers don’t know how their web traffic is audited

The burden of proof is on publishers to defend their web traffic, yet 80 percent admit they don’t have insight into how their traffic is audited, raising questions about which …

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