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credit card
CNP transaction fraud costing merchants millions in revenue, fraudsters getting more sophisticated

Vesta released a report which includes an analysis of millions of digital transactions from the first quarter of 2020 through the first quarter of 2021 to track how CNP fraud …

identity theft
Consumers taking action to protect themselves online, though confidence is low

68% of consumers claim to be doing more to protect themselves from online fraud and identity theft than a year ago, according to a Trulioo research. The research found 76% of …

3D Secure
3-D Secure transactions growth fueled by card-not-present explosion and PSD2

A massive $100 billion in transactions in 2021 alone have been protected by 3-D Secure payments authentication technology, Outseer reveals. The report also reveals continued …

Bot attack volumes growing 41% year over year, human-initiated attacks down 29%

Bot attack volumes grew 41% year over year with human-initiated attacks falling 29%, according to a report from LexisNexis Risk Solutions. The report confirms earlier trend …

When a scammer calls: 3 strategies to protect customers from call spoofing

One of the first internet memes was born when The New Yorker published the now iconic cartoon captioned, “On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.” Today we might update …

BEC scams
Key email threats and the high cost of BEC

Area 1 Security published the results of a study analyzing over 31 million threats across multiple organizations and industries, with new findings and warnings issued by …

online marketplace
The impact of eCommerce fraud on retailers and shoppers

There’s a stark disconnect between retailers and shoppers on the matter of eCommerce fraud, Riskified reveals. The research, which comprised 4,000 consumers and 400 …

fraud detection
Digital fraud attempts on the rise: Gaming, travel and leisure most targeted

As the prevalence of digital fraud attempts on businesses and consumers continues to rise, TransUnion’s analysis found that fraudsters are re-focusing their efforts from …

Fraudsters increasingly focusing on digital accounts, whether existing or fake ones

Fraudsters are increasingly focusing on digital accounts, whether that is by compromising existing user accounts or creating fake new accounts to commit fraud, an Arkose Labs …

Ransom demands reaching $1.2M, smaller companies increasingly targeted

Ransom demands have grown substantially over the past year, smaller companies are increasingly targeted, and cyber criminals continue to take advantage of dislocations in how …

Turning the tide on surging account takeovers in the media industry

Account takeovers (ATOs) are on the rise, fueled by the widespread use of automated bots. The media industry, which includes social networks, content streaming, gambling, …

Combating deepfakes: How we can future-proof our biometric identities

How worried should we be about deepfakes? What sort of threat do they pose to digital ID verification and the biometric technology that we are becoming so reliant on, and are …

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