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GenAI can enhance security awareness training

One of the biggest concerns over generative AI is its ability to manipulate us, which makes it ideal for orchestrating social engineering attacks. From mining someone’s …

GSMA releases Mobile Threat Intelligence Framework

GSM Association’s Fraud and Security Group (FASG) has published the first version of a framework for describing, in a structured way, how adversaries attack and use mobile …

Debunking compliance myths in the digital era

Despite recent economic fluctuations, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) market isn’t letting up. The industry is set to grow annually by over 18% and be valued at $908.21 …

Harnessing the power of privacy-enhancing tech for safer AI adoption

A consensus on regulatory AI frameworks seems distant. Yet, the imperative for secure and responsible AI deployment cannot be overstated. How can leaders proactively address …

open source security
Securing software repositories leads to better OSS security

Malicious software packages are found on public software repositories such as GitHub, PyPI and the npm registry seemingly every day. Attackers use a number of tricks to fool …

supply chain
Integrating software supply chain security in DevSecOps CI/CD pipelines

NIST released its final guidelines for integrating software supply chain security in DevSecOps CI/CD pipelines (SP 800-204D). In this Help Net Security video, Henrik Plate, …

Key areas that will define the intersection of AI and DevOps

Eficode research indicates that 96% of developers use AI tools, with most coders bypassing security policies to use them. With no standardized AI tool regulations, researchers …

NIST CSF 2.0 released, to help all organizations, not just those in critical infrastructure

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated its widely utilized Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), a key document for mitigating cybersecurity risks. The …

Fabric: Open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI

Fabric is an open-source framework, created to enable users to granularly apply AI to everyday challenges. Key features “I created it to enable humans to easily augment …

Marco Eggerling
How CISOs navigate policies and access across enterprises

In this Help Net Security interview, Marco Eggerling, Global CISO at Check Point, discusses the challenge of balancing data protection with diverse policies, devices, and …

Exploring NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

In this Help Net Security video, Dan Erel, VP of Security at SeeMetrics, discusses NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0. NIST CSF is based on existing standards, guidelines, …

Roland Palmer
NIS2 Directive raises stakes for security leaders

In this Help Net Security interview, Roland Palmer, VP Global Operations Center at Sumo Logic, discusses key challenges and innovations of the NIS2 Directive, aiming to …

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