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FBI director confident North Korea was behind Sony hack, still offers no evidence

When late last year the FBI provided an update on their investigation into the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, they fingered the North Korean government as the instigator. …

Sony breach: More leaks expose employees’ salaries, personal data

The fallout from last week’s breach of Sony Pictures Entertainment networks continues to increase, as the attackers leaked more stolen data on Pastebin on late Monday …

White House network breach was likely nation-sponsored

The White House has confirmed that the unclassified Executive Office of the President network has been breached by unknown hackers. People in the know speculate that the …

FBI will share its Malware Investigator portal with businesses

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced that its internal Malware Investigator portal – previously available only to law enforcement and government entities …

FBI warns of malicious insider threats increase

The FBI and DHS have issued a warning to businesses about the increase in security incidents involving malicious insiders (current or former employees, contractors, or other …

FBI’s account of locating Silk Road’s server disputed by researchers

The US government’s explanation of how it managed to discover the location of the servers hosting Silk Road, the infamous online black market, is being disputed by a …

FBI investigating JPMorgan, US banks breaches

In the wake of reports that several big US financial institutions have had their networks compromised by hackers this month, the FBI and the Secret Service have mounted an …

Botnets gain 18 infected systems per second

“According to industry estimates, botnets have caused over $9 billion in losses to US victims and over $110 billion in losses globally. Approximately 500 million …

Five Chinese military hackers charged for spying on US firms

A grand jury in the Western District of Pennsylvania indicted five Chinese military hackers for computer hacking, economic espionage and other offenses directed at six …

FBI informant Sabu directed hacking of foreign govt sites

Hector Xavier Monsegur (aka “Sabu”), the infamous hacker and leader of the Lulzsec hacktivist group, has directed his associates to attack and compromise the …

The FBI is looking for a “malware provider”

In a request for quote (RFQ) published on Monday, the Bureau has explained the reason behind their need: The Operational Technology Division (OTD), Investigative Analysis Unit …

Feds cloned TorMail server with future investigations in mind

TorMail users engaged in illegal activities might have felt more than a twinge of anxiety when it was confirmed last summer that the FBI took control of Freedom …

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