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FBI warns Time Warner Cable of potential data breach

Time Warner Cable will soon be contacting approximately 320,000 of its customers whose accounts have likely been compromised, the company’s public relations director …

Revealed: What info the FBI can collect with a National Security Letter

After winning an eleven-year legal battle, Nicholas Merrill can finally tell the public how the FBI has secretly construed its authority to issue National Security Letters …

Tor Project claims FBI paid university researchers $1m to unmask Tor users

Have Carnegie Mellon University researchers been paid by the FBI to unmask a subset of Tor users so that the agents could discover who operated Silk Road 2.0 and other …

Secret code in color printers enables government tracking

A research team led by the EFF recently broke the code behind tiny tracking dots that some color laser printers secretly hide in every document.The U.S. Secret Service …

UK, US law enforcement agencies disrupt Dridex botnet

The UK’s National Crime Agency is spearheading an onslaught against the Dridex (aka Bugat, aka Cridex) banking malware and the criminals that wield it.“Dridex …

An emerging global threat: BEC scams hitting more and more businesses

As more and more victims come forward, and the losses sustained by firms in the US and around the world passed the billion dollar mark, the FBI is once again warning …

FBI director insists Silicon Valley can solve the encryption dilemma – if they try hard enough

On Wednesday, the US Senate Judiciary Committee got to hear from FBI director James Comey and DOJ Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates on how end-to-end encryption …

Over $18 million lost to Cryptowall just in the US

“Cryptowall is still “the most current and significant ransomware threat targeting US individuals and businesses,” the FBI warned in a public service …

Man charged with attempted spear-phishing attack on U.S. Department of Energy

An indictment is charging a former employee of the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with a total of four felony offenses in …

Hacktivists are targeting law enforcement personnel, warns FBI

The FBI has issued an alert for law enforcement personnel and public officials, warning them that they may be targeted by hacktivists.“Hacking collectives are effective …

Simda botnet taken down in global operation

The Simda botnet, believed to have infected more than 770,000 computers worldwide, has been targeted in a global operation. In a series of simultaneous actions around the …

Is the Internet hiding a crime wave?

The U.S. crime rate continues to fall, according to the latest FBI’s release based on Uniform Crime Reporting from police departments, but researchers say those numbers, …

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