facial recognition

How well do face recognition algorithms identify people wearing masks?
Now that so many of us are covering our faces to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, how well do face recognition algorithms identify people wearing masks? The answer, …

New technique keeps your online photos safe from facial recognition algorithms
In one second, the human eye can only scan through a few photographs. Computers, on the other hand, are capable of performing billions of calculations in the same amount of …

Biometric device shipments revenue to drop by $2 billion
The pandemic is expected to cause a significant pushback on biometric device shipments, creating a major revenue drop of $2 billion over the course of 2020, according to ABI …

How to balance privacy concerns around facial recognition technology
There has been global uproar regarding facial recognition technology and whether and when it’s ethically sound to use it. Its use without citizens’ consent could have …

Unregulated use of facial recognition tech threatens people’s privacy, civil rights
Facial recognition tech is a boon to law enforcement, but without strict regulation and safeguards, it poses considerable risks to the privacy, civil liberties, and civil …

FindFace app heralds the end of public anonymity and privacy?
While Facebook battles in court to be allowed to use its facial recognition tech (which it already gave up using in Europe), another company – whose facial recognition …