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Researcher releases a slew of MySQL and SSH exploits

Security professional Nikolaos Rangos, who is better known by his online handle Kingcope, has flooded the Full Disclosure mailing list over the weekend with information and …

Bogus Apple invoice leads to Blackhole, banking malware

If you receive an invoice seemingly coming from Apple that apparently shows that your credit card has been billed for $699,99 (or a similar preposterously huge amount of …

Blackhole exploits lead a black month for malware

In October, GFI Software threat researchers uncovered a large number of Blackhole exploits disguised as Windows licenses (just prior to the release of Windows 8), Facebook …

Opera homepage spotted redirecting visitors to Blackhole kit

If you are an Opera user who hasn’t changed the browser homepage or has visited Opera’s Portal homepage ( on Wednesday, you might want to check …

Adobe Reader 0-day exploit sold for $50,000

The good news is that the exploit costs $50,000 which limits the purchase of it to defense contractors, nation states and some criminal organizations that may be able to …

Life cycle and detection of an exploit kit

As the process of owning systems and dragging them into botnets becomes ever more commercialized, exploit kits have emerged as a favorite of attackers. Their point-click-own …

Can the Nuclear exploit kit dethrone Blackhole?

In a market dominated by the mega-popular Blackhole exploit kit (newly upgraded to version 2.0) and the somewhat less sought-after Eleonore and Phoenix exploit packs, can the …

New cybercrime monetization methods

AVG’s new report investigates a number of malicious software developments including the newly launched 2.0 version of the Blackhole Exploit Toolkit, the evolution in …

Massive WoW killing spree due to in-game exploit

What should have been a relaxing and afternoon in the virtual world of Azeroth turned to a veritable bloodbath as unknown hackers used a still unknown exploit to kill off …

“Watering hole” sites crucial to new cyber espionage campaign

RSA’s newly dubbed FirstWatch research team has recently presented their findings on a “water holing” campaign that they first spotted back in July. The …

Researchers bypass NFC access control with smartphone

A security flaw in most Mifare NFC contactless cards can easily be misused by hackers to modify the contents of the cards and get free rides on at least two U.S. transit …

iPhone buyers, beware of fake UPS notices

In view of the fact that deliveries of the extremely popular iPhone 5 will start on Friday, Websense’s director of security research Patrik Runald has issued a warning …

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