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Exploit for recently patched Java flaw added to CrimeBoss exploit kit

If you are still using Java, you insist on updating in manually and you haven’t gotten around to installing the latest Critical Patch Update released a week ago, you are …

Financial malware hijacking Twitter accounts

Researchers have discovered another active spamming campaign targeting Twitter users. “The malware launches a Man-in-the-Browser attack through the browser of infected …

Spamhaus-themed ransomware delivered through exploit kits

It seems that users are starting to recognize ransomware accompanied with fake notifications by copyright enforcement and law enforcement agencies for what it is, and cyber …

Researcher sets up honeypot to counterattack, identifies attackers

I believe that most infosec professionals have, at one time or other, wished they could fight back when some of the resources they are tasked with protecting came under attack …

Security firm publishes details about Java issue, asks for second opinion

Making good on their promise, Security Exploration has published technical details about a Java issue that they consider to be a security vulnerability, but Oracle has …

Seagate blog compromised, leads to Blackhole and malware

A blog of well-known hard disk drive manufacturer Seagate has been compromised to contain malicious iFrame injections that redirect users to websites hosting the Blackhole …

MiniDuke does not come only via email

Researchers from Kaspersky and CrySyS Lab continue to analyze the MiniDuke backdoor and have discovered two previously unknown infection mechanisms. Recently discovered to …

Malware peddlers exploit death of Hugo Chavez

As predicted, the death of such a well-known and controversial politician as the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been exploited by cyber criminals to lead users to …

Pwn2Own ends with Adobe Flash, Reader and Oracle Java exploits

Day two of the Pwn2Own competition at CanSecWest was again successful for French Vupen security, as they succeeded in exploiting Adobe Flash on Internet Explorer 9 on Windows …

Pwn2Own: IE, Firefox, Chrome and Java go down

The Pwn2Own competition is underway at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, and during the first day of competition Java, IE 10, Firefox and Chrome were successfully …

Samsung Galaxy devices’ lock screen easily bypassed

This week revealed not one, but two security vulnerabilities that allow anyone to bypass the lock screen on a variety of Samsung Android smatphones. On Monday UK blogger …

New exploit kit concentrates on Java flaws

Webroot’s Dancho Danchev is known for combing through the wilds of the Internet for places where cyber criminals congregate and reporting back with interesting news …

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