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BitTorrent clients can be made to participate in high-volume DoS attacks

A group of researchers have discovered a new type of DoS attack that can be pulled off by a single attacker exploiting weaknesses in the BitTorrent protocol family.The …

Google plugs Google Admin app sandbox bypass 0-day

After having had some trouble with fixing a sandbox bypass vulnerability in the Google Admin Android app, the Google Security team has finally released on Friday an update …

Researchers hack Corvette via SMS to plugged-in tracking dongle

A team of researchers from the University of California, San Diego, have managed to hack a Corvette via specially crafted SMS messages sent to a tracking dongle (i.e. a …

Angler EK exploits recently patched IE bug to deliver ransomware

“If they haven’t already, Internet Explorer users would do well to implement the security update provided by Microsoft last month, as among the fixed vulnerability …

Zero-day disclosure-to-weaponization period cut in half

There’s no doubt about it: the batch of stolen information leaked in the wake of the Hacking Team breach was a boon for exploit kit developers.Not only did it contain a …

Malvertisers abused Yahoos ad network for days

“A large-scale malvertising attack abusing Yahoos ad network has been hitting visitors of the Internet giant’s many popular and heavy-traffic sites for nearly a …

Hackers actively exploiting OS X zero-day to root machines, deliver adware

“Attackers are actively exploiting a zero-day privilege escalation vulnerability affecting the latest version of Apple’s OS. The bug’s existence has been …

Researchers hack Linux-powered sniper rifle

When talking about the Internet of Things – “things” with an embedded computing system able to interoperate within the Internet infrastructure – we …

Rowhammer.js: The first remote software-induced hardware-fault attack

A group of Austrian and French researchers have devised a relatively simple way to remotely exploit the Rowhammer bug present in some computer chips. Their version of the …

Proposed Wassenaar pact changes will harm cyber defenders instead of attackers

The comment period for the proposed amendments to the Wassenaar Arrangement regarding “cybersecurity items” has ended, and the overwhelming majority of the 150+ …

First Java zero-day in two years exploited by Pawn Storm hackers

Another zero-day vulnerability is being exploited in attacks spotted in the wild: this time, the targeted software is Java.The flaw was spotted by Trend Micro researchers, who …

Two more Flash 0-day exploits found in Hacking Team leak, one already exploited in the wild

Exploits for two more Adobe Flash 0-days have been found in the leaked Hacking Team data. The existence of the vulnerabilities has been acknowledged by Adobe with a security …

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