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Final report: Pan-European cyber security exercise

The EU’s cyber security agency, ENISA, has issued its final report on the first Pan-European cyber security exercise for public bodies, Cyber Europe 2010. The report …

B-Sides Vienna welcomes hackers in June

B-Sides Vienna is a hacker conference targeted at security researchers, system and network operators, application developers, hardware hackers, hackerspace members, and …

Interpol chief calls for global electronic identity card system

The head of INTERPOL has emphasized the need for a globally verifiable electronic identity card (e-ID) system for migrant workers at an international forum on citizen ID …

European Parliament computer network breached

The computer network of the European Parliament has been targeted by a cyber attack that may or may not be linked to the attack against the European Commission and the …

Metrics and measurements in network and service resilience

Business and governments are all reliant on secure networks, but how do you measure the resilience of these networks? The European Network and Information Security Agency …

Serious cyber attack targets EU institutions on eve of summit

Today is the first day of the first EU summit that takes place under the Hungarian presidency, and European leaders have gathered in Brussels to discuss matters such as the …

Outdated law makes wireless hacking acceptable

A ruling handed out earlier this month in The Netherlands set a precedent that will allow the nation’s citizens to “piggyback” on open WiFi networks and to …

Tough questions about botnets

ENISA published a comprehensive study on the botnet threat and how to address it. The report looks at the reliability of botnet size estimates and makes recommendations for …

New types of cookies raise online privacy concerns

The advertising industry has led the drive for new, persistent and powerful cookies, with privacy-invasive features for marketing practices and profiling. The EU cyber …

400,000 e-mail addresses stolen in Irish job website breach

Names and e-mail addresses of some 400,000 job seekers have been harvested by hackers who have breached the site and its systems. The site has been taken …

Zeus Trojan targets UK government

During his speech at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, UK’s foreign secretary William Hague revealed that the UK government has been targeted with a e-mail …

Worrying increase in surveillance across Europe

A landmark EU-wide study of national privacy safeguards shows a decline in privacy protection across Europe and a steep increase in state surveillance over the lives of …

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