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New specific rules target EU telecoms that lose personal data

The European Commission is putting into place new rules on what exactly telecoms operators and ISPs should do if their customers’ personal data is lost, stolen or …

The state of risk-based security management

A new Ponemon Institute survey covers risk-based security management program governance and maturity and includes 571 U.K. and 749 U.S. respondents from the following areas: …

Report on crime against businesses ignores cybercrime

A new Home Office report finds that the number of crimes committed against wholesale and retail business premises has fallen significantly over the last ten years – from …

EU citizens’ data must be protected against US surveillance

The US PRISM internet surveillance case highlights the urgent need to pass legislation to protect EU citizens’ personal data, most MEPs agreed in Wednesday’s Civil …

Pirate Bay co-founder sentenced for hacking Swedish companies

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm has been found guilty of hacking into Swedish IT company Logica and the Nordea bank mainframe and has been sentenced to two years in …

Employees biggest IT threat to businesses

Despite British small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) providing training in IT and security, employees fail to prevent breaches and data leaks, according to McAfee. Even …

New regulation for ENISA, the EU cybersecurity agency

EU cybersecurity agency ENISA has received a new Regulation, granting it a seven year mandate with an expanded set of duties. ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo …

Key obstacles to effective IT security strategies

Drawing on data gathered from a total of 3,037 individuals – 1,944 technicians and 1,093 executives – in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, …

British GCHQ spied on G20 delegates to gain advantage in talks

The British GCHQ has monitored computers and intercepted phone calls made by the foreign participants of two G20 summit meetings in London in 2009 and provided crucial …

EU to vote on stiffer penalties for hackers

Member states of the European Union might soon be creating new laws that will raise minimum prison sentences for convicted cyber attackers and botnet herders. Last week, the …

Pirate Bay founder suspected of hacking police databases

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, who has been extradited from Cambodia to Sweden to answer for allegedly hacking of Swedish IT company Logica and the Nordea bank …

The need for a collaborative effort against cybercrime

It has been revealed that NATO experienced 2,500 cyber attacks in 2012. Though an official stated that none of the attacks had successfully infiltrated NATO security, it has …

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