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Video: NSA hearing in the European Parliament

Embedded below is the full video of the NSA hearing in the Human Rights Committee (LIBE) in the European Parliament 5 September 2013, which runs at 03:25 hours. Courtesy of …

Largest Belgian telecom breached by the NSA?

Belgacom, primarily state owned and the largest telecom in Belgium, has announced that its internal IT systems have been breached and compromised with malware by an …

EU debates NSA surveillance impact and media freedom

The impact of US National Security Agency and other surveillance programs on EU citizens’ privacy and media freedom and the lack of democratic oversight of these …

EU politicians want to suspend banking data-sharing program

Following the claims that the NSA has spied on the Belgian-based Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) – the organization that provides the …

Fraud and ATM attacks hit Germany hard

FICO released new data showing the high rate of card-not-present (CNP) fraud on Germany’s credit cards in 2012, showing that 70 percent of the 2012 fraud on …

Would you publicly report a security breach?

Recent research by AlienVault revealed that only 2% of surveyed EU companies would be willing to go public should they suffer a security breach. 38% opted to inform the …

G-20 themed emails deliver spying malware to EU, Canadian officials

The topic of the G-20 summit that is scheduled to be held in Russia next month is being misused by multiple cyber espionage groups some of which have been tracked to China, …

Windows 8 shouldn’t be used on government computers, say IT experts

Internal documents of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs perused by a reporter of news outlet Zeit Online show (via Google Translate) that IT professionals working for …

Miranda battles to have seized stuff back, Guardian details drive destruction

David Miranda, the partner of The Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, has employed UK lawyer firm Bindmans LLP to inform the British Home Office that they will challenging the …

ENISA analyzes major security incidents in the EU

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) today issued a new report providing an overview of the major outage incidents in the EU in 2012. The …

Can biometrics revolutionize mobile payment security?

With the explosion in smartphones usage, the number of payments done via mobile devices has significantly increased over recent years. As eCommerce becomes mCommerce, the …

German Minister calls for punishment of US companies involved in NSA spying

The revelations of mass online spying by US government agencies that involved cooperation from the British and the German governments and intelligence services, as well as the …

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