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Instant messaging Trojan spreads through the UK

Hundreds of computer systems have been infected with the latest instant messaging Trojan. Bitdefender has spotted an increasing wave of infections in the past week in …

Operation takes down crime network affecting European electronic payments

Bulgarian and French judicial and law enforcement authorities, working in close cooperation with the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) at Europol and Eurojust in The Hague, …

Trust in the U.S. cloud on the decline

Perspecsys revealed a continental cloud divide between the U.S. and Europe, based on data findings from a study it conducted at Infosecurity Europe 2014. Perspecsys surveyed …

CERN, MIT scientists launch Swiss-based secure webmail

Last week marked the beta release of yet another encrypted, secure email service, and interest for it was so overwhelming that its developers had to temporarily close the …

Law enforcement targets users of BlackShades malware

During two days of operations taking place in more than 10 countries worldwide, coordinated by Eurojust in The Hague and supported by the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) at …

Cloud optimism outweighs surveillance and breach concerns

With the one year anniversary of the PRISM revelations approaching, CipherCloud gauged the attitudes and insights of attendees at Infosecurity Europe 2014. In light of EU …

Arrests in international voice-phishing case

Belgian and Dutch judicial and law enforcement authorities, supported by the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) at Europol and Eurojust, have concluded an operation resulting in …

Orange hacked again, 1.3M users affected

French telecom provider Orange has suffered a second data breach in less that four months, and this time the intruders made off with personal information of some 1.3 million …

EU Data Protection Regulation: Detection is the best prevention

The UK government recently published guidelines for companies covering the five basic controls that businesses must follow to ensure a minimum level of protection. The goal of …

Guide to the UK government cyber essentials scheme

The results of the latest cyber threat reports and surveys have denominated 2013 as the year of major breaches. The media naturally focuses on the big stories of massive data …

300% growth in enterprise attacks across UK and Ireland

At Infosecurity Europe 2014, FireEye announced the release of its Regional Advanced Threat Report for the United Kingdom and Ireland (UKI). Detailing malicious activities …

Biggest EU cyber security exercise taking place today

Today European countries kick off the Cyber Europe 2014 (CE2014), a sophisticated cyber exercise, involving more than 600 security actors across Europe. More than 200 …

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