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The current wave of data protection regulations and how it will affect the infosec industry

In 2016, the EU is set to review the next draft of The Network and Information Security (NIS) ‘cybersecurity’ directive which will bring new compliance requirements into …

Two arrested for helping malware developers evade AV software

Two suspects have been arrested on suspicion of operating a website offering services to help criminals overcome and avoid anti malware software, following a joint …

New law allows French police to seize and search electronic devices without a warrant

In the wake of the Paris attacks, the French Senate passed on Friday a bill that extends the state of emergency declared after the attacks to three months.The bill expands …

The future of information security in the government

A new report from Intel Security and the Digital Government Security Forum (DGSF) looks at the fast changing digital world, which promises to transform how our government and …

Video: General Data Protection Regulation, Safe Harbor Agreement, Copyright reform and the Google case

After having been ruled invalid by the ECJ, the Safe Habor Agreement is now back in the spotlight as the Commission has finally issued a communication on the Trans-Atlantic …

ProtonMail restores services after epic DDoS attacks

After several days of intense work, Switzerland-based end-to-end encrypted e-mail provider ProtonMail has largely mitigated the DDoS attacks that made it unavailable for hours …

Information security and privacy are crucial for EU growth

The EU has to establish cyber trust among citizens and industry to create a competitive EU based ICT sector, further strengthening the EU position, and at the same time …

Final TalkTalk breach tally: 4% of customers affected

TalkTalk continues with its practice of updating the public with information regarding the recent data breach on Fridays, and according to the latest update, the total number …

Another teenager arrested in connection to TalkTalk hack

A 16-year-old boy from Norwich has become the fourth person arrested in connection with the investigation into the TalkTalk data breach.Detectives from the Metropolitan Police …

Chimera crypto-ransomware is hitting German companies

A new piece of crypto-ransomware is targeting German companies: it’s called Chimera, and the criminals behind the scheme are threatening to release sensitive corporate …

Nearly 2,000 Vodafone UK customers’ accounts compromised, blocked

Customers of another UK telecom have had their information compromised by hackers, as Vodafone has explained that it was “subject to an attempt to access some customers’ …

TalkTalk breach: Third arrest, data already for sale, criminals targeting pensioners

News about the TalkTalk breach and the investigation of it are coming fast and thick. After the arrests of two teens (one in Northern Ireland, the other from Feltham) believed …

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