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Scammers target citizens filing tax returns online

As ten million people prepare to complete their tax returns online in January, British citizens are being bombarded with scams. Forty per cent have received phishing emails …

Map a path through the issues of cloud, security, data analytics

2016 will be a difficult year to call for the European IT businesses – any of the usual linear progress in the IT industry in 2015 as a result of more powerful technologies …

EU flag
New EU rules on data protection put the citizen back in the driving seat

New EU data protection legislation, informally agreed on Tuesday and backed by Civil Liberties MEPs on Thursday morning, will create a uniform set of rules across the EU fit …

Operation targets users of remote access trojans across Europe

In December, Europol and a number of law enforcement and judicial authorities across Europe carried out a two weeks long coordinated action against the use of remote access …

Personal info of 12+ million Dutch mobile phone owners easily accessible to hackers

Sijmen Ruwhof, a freelance IT security consultant and ethical hacker from Utrecht, recently stumbled across what turned out to be an example of how poor security practices of …

100,000 laptops and phones left in UK bars each year

UK bars guzzle up a staggering 138,000 mobile phones and laptops each year, and alarmingly 64 percent of the devices do not have any security protection installed, which means …

First ever EU rules on cybersecurity

Transport and energy companies will have to ensure that the digital infrastructure that they use to deliver essential services, such as traffic control or electricity grid …

Infosec pros have little confidence in UK’s cybersecurity readiness

Tenable Network Security asked information security practitioners from the UK about confidence in their respective organizations’ abilities to assess risk, invest in …

How Europol analyzes malware

In the wake of the takedown of a major cybercriminal group wielding banking Trojans in Ukraine in June this year, Europol noted that it “provided crucial support to the …

Securing the smart home environment

Currently, smart home environments complement traditional home appliances with connected devices that collect, exchange and process data to create added-value services and …

Human element of security to the fore at IRISSCON 2015

The most neglected part of security is the human factor – and yet it’s also the most vulnerable. Several of the speakers at the recently held IRISSCON cyber crime conference …

How UK businesses plan to tackle security threats in 2016

81% UK IT decision makers experienced some sort of data or cyber security breach in their organisation in 2015, according to training company QA. 66 per cent said that the …

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