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Pawn Storm APT targets members of Angela Merkel’s party

Pawn Storm, one of the oldest APTs engaging in cyber espionage, has been spotted targeting members of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the political party of …

Wi-Fi Zone
Germany set to end copyright liability for open Wi-Fi operators

People who travel to Germany are often surprised at the lack of public, open Wi-Fi networks. That’s because German law (Störerhaftung – “liability of …

GDPR challenges all organizations to mask EU data by default

Organizations need to re-architect operations and adopt a secure, data-first approach ahead of the introduction of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The …

Europol to get new powers to disrupt terrorists’ online presence

The EU police agency Europol is expected to gain new powers that will help it fight terrorism and cybercrime, thanks to new governance rules endorsed by Civil Liberties …

PGP-encrypted comms network allegedly used by criminals shuts down

The Dutch police has announced on Tuesday that they have pulled a system of encrypted communications used by Dutch and possible foreign criminals off the air, and that they …

data security
EU approves new data protection rules

Members of the European Parliament have given their final approval for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Parliament’s vote ends more than four years of work …

Business ideas
UK businesses fail at security awareness

UK organizations are putting their reputation, customer trust and competitive advantage at greater risk by failing to provide their staff with effective security awareness and …

Privacy Shield
European Commission presents EU-US Privacy Shield

The European Commission – the executive body of the European Union – issued the legal texts that will put in place the EU-US Privacy Shield, a new framework for …

EU flag
Start getting ready for Europe’s new data protection regulation today

You are in charge of your organization’s security. Depending on how large and well resourced your business IT function is, your card might read IT director, CIO, CTO, or …

German police allowed to use its own “federal Trojan”

The German Interior Ministry has approved for investigative use a spying Trojan developed by the German Federal Criminal Police (a so-called “federal Trojan”). In …

The rise of the Chief IoT Officer

Half of UK businesses (54%) plan to employ a Chief IoT Officer in the next year, especially in the education (63%), retail (63%) and telecomms (64%) industries, according to …

UK security tribunal decides GCHQ’s hacking is legal

The UK GCHQ intelligence agency’s hacking of computers, mobile devices, smart devices, and computer networks has been ruled to be legal, no matter where it happens in …

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