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Consumers worry that small privacy invasions may lead to a loss of civil rights

A new report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) shows that consumers around the world perceive wide ranging risks in how their personal information is collected and …

Digital innovation held back as IT teams firefight security threats

43% of IT executives at European financial institutions reveal that fears of a cyber-attack keep them awake at night – two months before the GDPR comes into force, according …

Gang leader behind malware attacks targeting 100 financial institutions arrested in Spain

The leader of the crime gang behind the Carbanak and Cobalt malware attacks targeting over a 100 financial institutions worldwide has been arrested in Alicante, Spain, after a …

How Facebook’s data issue is a lesson for everyone

The headlines have been dominated by the recent news around Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and the misuse of customer data. The impact of these revelations has led to millions …

UK govt wants IoT manufacturers to take responsability for security

The UK government aims to shift the burden of securing IoT devices away from consumers and put the onus of securing them squarely on the manufacturers. “Poorly secured …

Global security trends for 2018: GDPR, identity and access security

In its third annual global IT security survey, Versasec found Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is impacting security planning around the world, smart …

connected car
Backdooring connected cars for covert remote control

We’ve all known for a while now that the security of connected cars leaves a lot to be desired. The latest proof of that sad state of affairs comes from Argentinian …

UK flag
UK cyber risk picture: Emergency services at risk of a major cyber attack

The UK’s emergency services are at risk of a major cyber-attack. This is the finding of a new landscape analysis, issued by intelligence provider Anomali. The UK Threat …

Google hand
How Google implements the Right To Be Forgotten

Who is asking Google to delist certain URLs appearing in search results related to their name, and what kind of requests does the search giant honor? The company has been …

Is GDPR-regulated data lurking in unexpected pockets of your organization?

A recent study showed that over 60 percent of corporate data is stored on employee endpoints. And yet, as companies work to ensure compliance with the new General Data …

HITB Amsterdam
Hack In The Box announces keynote speakers for 2018 Amsterdam event

Hack In The Box Security Conference (HITBSecConf) is returning to Amsterdam in April this year with more than 70 speakers who will take to stage. This year’s marks the 9th …

GDPR quick guide: Why non-compliance could cost you big

If you conduct business in the EU, offer goods or services to, or monitor the online behavior of EU citizens, then the clock is ticking. You only have a few more months …

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