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Five steps to GDPR compliance

For any organisations processing personal data the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is important news. Agreed upon just days ago, after years of negotiations, the …

data security
EU approves new data protection rules

Members of the European Parliament have given their final approval for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Parliament’s vote ends more than four years of work …

Privacy Shield
EU privacy watchdogs not satisfied with the EU-US Privacy Shield

The Article 29 Working Party – an advisory body composed of representatives of the data protection authority of each EU Member State, the European Data Protection …

Privacy Shield
European Commission presents EU-US Privacy Shield

The European Commission – the executive body of the European Union – issued the legal texts that will put in place the EU-US Privacy Shield, a new framework for …

NSA spied on world leaders, UN, EU officials

A set of highly classified documents recently published by WikiLeaks show how the NSA spied on a number of high ranking officials of the UN, UNHCR, WTO, NATO, the EU and …

Group using DDoS attacks to extort business gets hit by European law enforcement

On 15 and 16 December, law enforcement agencies from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and the United Kingdom joined forces with Europol in the framework of an …

EU flag
European data centre services provider Interxion suffers breach

A vulnerability present in the customer relationship management (CRM) system of Interxion, a Netherlands-based provider of carrier and cloud-neutral colocation data centre …

EU flag
New EU rules on data protection put the citizen back in the driving seat

New EU data protection legislation, informally agreed on Tuesday and backed by Civil Liberties MEPs on Thursday morning, will create a uniform set of rules across the EU fit …

Cyber security strengthened at EU institutions

EU institutions have reinforced their fight against cyber threats by establishing the EU’s Computer Emergency Response Team, or CERT-EU, on a permanent basis. This …

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