You gotta fight, for your right, to erasure
According to Article 17 of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), all personal data that is no longer necessary must be removed and deleted. This …
SIE Europe: Data sharing initiative to combat cybercrime launches
SIE Europe emerged from stealth mode to launch an initiative to enable European organisations to contribute and share Internet data. This consortium advances the detection and …
French cybersecurity agency open sources security hardened CLIP OS
After developing it internally for over 10 years, the National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) has decided to open source CLIP OS, a Linux-based operating system …
A law enforcement view of emerging cybercrime threats
Cybercriminals are adopting creative new techniques to target their victims at an unprecedented pace and are constantly seeking methods to avoid law enforcement detection. To …
ENISA launches Cybersecurity Strategies Evaluation Tool
The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has launched a tool that will help EU Member States evaluate their priorities according to their …
Phished credentials caused twice as many breaches than malware in the past year
Personal device use for remote work poses the biggest security risk to organisations safeguarding their increasingly mobile and cloud-based IT environment, according to a new …
Financial info of 380,000 British Airways customers stolen in site, app breach
British Airways has suffered a data breach and has confirmed that personal and financial details of some 380,000 customers have been compromised. About the breach “From …
Less than a third of companies have dedicated cybersecurity insurance
Only one third of senior executives in UK organisations admit their company insurance currently covers them for a security breach and for the financial impact of data loss, …
Data breach reports to Information Commissioner increase by 75%
The number of reports of data security incidents received by the Information Commissioner (ICO) has increased by 75 per cent over the past two years, according to new analysis …
EU telecoms suffered 169 major security incidents in 2017
ENISA, EU’s agency for network and information security, has released a report on major telecom security incidents that occurred in the EU in 2017. About the report …
Privacy Shield: Should I stay or should I go?
The lead up to the GDPR enforcement date consumed a large swath of media coverage. This essentially buried the news that in early July 2018, the European Union Parliament …
23% of UK SMBs still use USB drives as their primary data storage solution
Mny British companies are finding it hard to store and manage their company’s data effectively. Seagate polled a representative sample of 1,006 UK SMB employees, asking them …