GDPR: Five tips for organizations to remain compliant
For the majority of UK businesses, a huge amount of time and resource was invested to become GDPR compliant in time for the May 2018 deadline. The cost of implementing GDPR …

EU launches bug bounties on free and open source software
After setting up a bug bounty program for VLC Media Player in late 2017, the European Commission (EC) has announced the launch of 14 new ones that will cover other free and …

Guidelines for assessing ISPs’ security measures in the context of net neutrality
According to the EU’s net neutrality regulation, called the Open Internet Regulation, which came into force in 2016, internet providers should treat all internet traffic to …

Measuring privacy operations: Use of technology on the rise
Critical privacy program activities such as creating data inventories, conducting data protection impact assessments (DPIA), and managing data subject access rights requests …

Sharp rise in email and social media hacking in the UK
Police forces across the UK are coming under increasing pressure to launch criminal investigations into incidents of social media and computer hacking, according to a new …

Keeping data swamps clean for ongoing GDPR compliance
The increased affordability and accessibility of data storage over recent years can be both a benefit and a challenge for businesses. While the ability to stockpile huge …

GDPR’s impact: The first six months
GDPR is now six months old – it’s time to take an assessment of the regulation’s impact so far. At first blush it would appear very little has changed. There are no …

What’s keeping Europe’s top infosec pros awake at night?
As the world adapts to GDPR and puts more attention on personal privacy and security, Europe’s top information security professionals still have doubts about the industry’s …

Cybersecurity and ethical data management: Getting it right
Data can provide information, information can lead to insight and knowledge, and knowledge is power. It’s no wonder, then, that seemingly everybody in this modern, …

M&A transactions may be stalling due to GDPR compliance concerns
An increasing number of M&A transactions may be stalling because of concerns over GDPR compliance, according to a survey of EMEA M&A professionals conducted by …

Implications of the NIS Directive for the industrial sector
On July 6, 2018 the NIS (Network and Information System) Directive was enacted as the first EU-wide legislation that provides measures to boost security across the region. …

Post implementation, GDPR costs higher than expected
A Versasec survey examining the global impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) nearly six months after its roll-out shows the privacy regulation costs more to …