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How security leaders can be empowered to drive results

The overwhelming demands on security leaders today can have a paralyzing effect. Gartner analysts provided guidance to security and risk leaders and practitioners on how to be …

To pay hackers’ ransom demands or to invest in more security?

One third of global business decision makers report that their organization would try to cut costs by paying a ransom demand from a hacker rather than invest in information …

fish phishing
Certain types of content make for irresistible phishes

A mature anti-phishing program keeps organizations safer, claims Cofense, and offers as proof the decreasing susceptibility of their customers’ employees to mock …

IBM employees banned from using portable storage devices

In an attempt to minimize sensitive data loss, IBM will try out a worldwide, company-wide ban on the use of removable portable storage devices such as USB sticks, SD cards, …

Gmail users can now send self-destructing emails

Google is slowly rolling out a number of changes for consumer Gmail users and G Suite users. Some of the changes improve usability and productivity, while others are meant to …

1-in-4 orgs using public cloud has had data stolen

McAfee has polled 1,400 IT professionals across a broad set of countries (and continents), industries, and organization sizes and has concluded that lack of adequate …

Protect and manage secure company files with Vera’s agentless solution

Vera is taking the next step to a truly agentless experience by giving customers the ability to edit, collaborate, and save changes to secure files without requiring any …

2.5 billion crypto mining attempts detected in enterprise networks

The volume of cryptomining transactions has been steadily growing since Coinhive came out with its browser-based cryptomining service in September 2017. Some websites have …

How to close the security update gap

Security patching is hard and patch fatigue is real. So what can be done to make the process more simple, less disruptive, and more likely to be performed in a timely manner? …

Locked Windows machines can be compromised through Cortana

Compromising locked Windows computers that have the Cortana voice-activated virtual assistant enabled is relatively easy – or it was until Microsoft made a simple tweak. …

Wire shares results of independent security audit of its secure messaging apps

When I last spoke to Alan Duric, co-founder and (at the time) CEO of the company developing secure messaging application Wire, he stressed the importance of independent and …

Trend Micro fixes serious vulnerabilities in Email Encryption Gateway

Trend Micro has plugged a bucketload of vulnerabilities in its Email Encryption Gateway, some of which can be combined to execute root commands from the perspective of a …

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