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How to avoid a costly enterprise ransomware infection

In most cases of human-operated ransomware attacks against enterprises, the hackers don’t trigger the malware immediately: according to FireEye researchers, in most …

Hackers are compromising vulnerable ManageEngine Desktop Central instances

Is your organization using ManageEngine Desktop Central? If the answer is yes, make sure you’ve upgraded to version 10.0.474 or risk falling prey to attackers who are …

mobile work
Orgs that sacrifice mobile security are twice as likely to suffer a compromise

The percentage of companies admitting to suffering a mobile-related compromise has grown (39%, when compared to last years’ 33%) despite a higher percentage of …

Infoblox announces enterprise best practices for DoT/DoH

Infoblox, the leader in Secure Cloud-Managed Network Services, announced Enterprise best practices on DNS over TLS (also known as DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH). These DoT/DoH …

What is flowing through your enterprise network?

Since Edward Snowden’s revelations of sweeping internet surveillance by the NSA, the push to encrypt the web has been unrelenting. Bolstered by Google’s various initiatives …

Shadow IT accounts with weak passwords endanger organizations

63% of enterprise professionals have created at least one account without their IT department being aware of it, and two-thirds of those have created two or more, the results …

Attackers exploiting critical Citrix ADC, Gateway flaw, company yet to release fixes

Nearly a month has passed since Citrix released mitigation measures for CVE-2019-19781, a critical vulnerability affecting Citrix Application Delivery Controller and Citrix …

ATT&CK for ICS: Knowledge base of techniques used by cyber adversaries

MITRE released an ATT&CK knowledge base of the tactics and techniques that cyber adversaries use when attacking ICS that operate some of the nation’s most critical …

Know your enemy: Mapping adversary infrastructure quickly and accurately

Group-IB is a known quantity in the information security arena: in the sixteen years since its inception, the company – now headquartered in Singapore – has …

Reach the next frontier of security automation while maintaining visibility and control

As the technologies we rely on continue to evolve, they are growing at a rate that outpaces our ability to protect them. This increasing risk potential necessitates a change …

Cybersecurity industry predictions for 2020 and beyond

When it comes to cybersecurity industry predictions for 2020, Optiv researchers expect to see a focus on privacy, evolving threat actors, pervasive deepfake videos, and …

Data collection balancing act: Privacy, trust and consumer convenience

With the advent of laws like the EU’s GDPR and California’s CCPA, which are sure to be portents of things to come (i.e., more and better data privacy legislation), …

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