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Microsoft Exchange
Actively exploited MS Exchange flaw present on 80% of exposed servers

Attackers looking to exploit CVE-2020-0688, a critical Microsoft Exchange flaw patched by Microsoft in February 2020, don’t have to look hard to find a server they can …

cybersecurity solutions try free
Cybersecurity during the pandemic: Try these security solutions for free!

In order to help global organizations of all sizes address cybersecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of vendors provide free (time-limited) access to their …

Radio frequency: An invisible espionage threat to enterprises

You can’t see it, but corporate airspaces are under attack via radio frequencies. Foreign governments, competitors and cyber criminals are all conducting radio-based attacks …

Threat detection and the evolution of AI-powered security solutions

Ashvin Kamaraju is a true industry leader. As CTO and VP of Engineering, he drives the technology strategy for Thales Cloud Protection & Licensing, leading a researchers …

Zoom pledges to find, fix security and privacy issues

Since the advent of Covid-19, remote conferencing tools have been a lifesaver for all those stuck at home, forced to work and socialize online. Zoom, in particular, has …

Are your MS SQL servers part of a cryptomining botnet? Check now!

For the last two years or so, attackers have been infecting and reinfecting poorly secured MS SQL servers, booting other criminals’ malware from them and exploiting …

Identity fraud: Protecting your customers from the new kids in town

It’s one thing to have your credit card stolen, but your identity is a whole other ball game. The worst thing is, it’s a lot more common than you’d think. Identity fraud …

remote work
Remote work and web conferencing: Security and privacy considerations

As more and more people remain at home and work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of them have been forced to use one or many video and audio conferencing …

RDP and VPN use soars, increasing enterprise cyber risk

As COVID-19 slowly spread across the globe, consumer demand for commercial virtual private network (VPN) services has soared – both for security reasons and for …

Password vulnerability at Fortune 1000 companies

Despite often repeated advice of using unique passwords for online accounts – or at least the most critical ones – password reuse continues to be rampant. And, …

Organizations still struggle to manage foundational security

Regulatory measures such as GDPR put focus on data privacy at design, tightening requirements and guiding IT security controls like Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Continued …

Trend Micro
Trend Micro fixes two actively exploited zero-days in enterprise products

Trend Micro has fixed two actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in its Apex One and OfficeScan XG enterprise security products, and advises customers to update to the …

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