
Critical flaw opens Palo Alto Networks firewalls and VPN appliances to attack, patch ASAP!
Palo Alto Networks has patched a critical and easily exploitable vulnerability (CVE-2020-2021) affecting PAN-OS, the custom operating system running on its next generation …

How attackers target and exploit Microsoft Exchange servers
Microsoft Exchange servers are an ideal target for attackers looking to burrow into enterprise networks, says Microsoft, as “they provide a unique environment that could …

Microsoft releases Defender ATP for Android and Linux
Microsoft has added support for Linux and Android to Microsoft Defender ATP, its unified enterprise endpoint security platform. Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection …

How to establish a threat intelligence program
Instituting an in-house cyber threat intelligence (CTI) program as part of the larger cybersecurity efforts can bring about many positive outcomes: The organization may …

UPnP vulnerability lets attackers steal data, scan internal networks
A vulnerability (CVE-2020-12695) in Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), which is implemented in billions of networked and IoT devices – personal computers, printers, mobile …

The importance of effective vulnerability remediation prioritization
Too many organizations have yet to find a good formula for prioritizing which vulnerabilities should be remediated immediately and which can wait. According to the results of …

Global enterprise WLAN market fell 2.2% year over year in 1Q20
The combined consumer and enterprise WLAN market segments rose 2.3% year over year in the first quarter of 2020 (1Q20), according to IDC. The enterprise segment fell 2.2% year …

Office 365 users: Beware of fake company emails delivering a new VPN configuration
Phishers are impersonating companies’ IT support team and sending fake VPN configuration change notifications in the hopes that remote employees may be tricked into …

Things to keep in mind when downloading apps from G Suite Marketplace
Security researchers have tested nearly 1,000 enterprise apps offered on Google’s G Suite Marketplace and discovered that many ask for permission to access to user data …

The “return” of fraudulent wire transfers
Ransomware gangs targeting businesses are currently getting more public attention, but scammers trying to trick employees into performing fraudulent wire transfers are once …

Lean into zero trust to ensure security in times of agility
Bad actors are rapidly mounting phishing campaigns, setting up malicious websites and sending malicious attachments to take full advantage of the pandemic and users’ need for …

New propagation module makes Trickbot more stealthy
Trickbot infections of Domain Controller (DC) servers has become more difficult to detect due to a new propagation module that makes the malware run from memory, Palo Alto …