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ERP security: Dispelling common misconceptions

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are an indispensable tool for most businesses. They allow them to track business resources and commitments in real time and to …

Save-to-transform as a catalyst for embracing digital disruption

Organizations that invest in key capabilities today to navigate a post COVID-19 business environment can position themselves to thrive in the “next normal”, …

3 tips to increase speed and minimize risk when making IT decisions

There is nothing like a crisis to create a sense of urgency and spawn actions. This is especially true for enterprise IT teams, who are tasked with new responsibilities and …

TeamViewer flaw could be exploited to crack users’ password

A high-risk vulnerability (CVE-2020-13699) in TeamViewer for Windows could be exploited by remote attackers to crack users’ password and, consequently, lead to further …

How to implement expedited security strategies during a crisis

Cybersecurity professionals know all too well that crises tend to breed new threats to organizational security. The current COVID-19 pandemic is evidence of this. Health …

remote work
Microsoft releases new encryption, data security enterprise tools

Microsoft has released (in public preview) several new enterprise security offerings to help companies meet the challenges of remote work. Double Key Encryption for Microsoft …

Emerging risk trends: Top risks to identify and address

Senior executives reported concerns around renewed outbreaks of the COVID-19 pandemic as their top emerging risk in the second quarter of 2020, according to Gartner. Gartner …

USB storage devices: Convenient security nightmares

There’s no denying the convenience of USB media. From hard drives and flash drives to a wide range of other devices, they offer a fast, simple way to transport, share and …

Attackers are bypassing F5 BIG-IP RCE mitigation – you might want to patch after all

Attackers are bypassing a mitigation for the BIG-IP TMUI RCE vulnerability (CVE-2020-5902) originally provided by F5 Networks, NCC Group’s Research and Intelligence …

application security testing
How do I select an application security testing solution for my business?

Software-related issues continue to plague organizations of all sizes, so IT leaders are turning to application security testing tools for help. Since there are many types of …

Business efficiency metrics are more important than detection metrics

With cyberattacks on the rise, today’s security professionals are relying primarily on detection metrics – both key performance indicators (KPIs) and key risk indicators …

Attackers are breaching F5 BIG-IP devices, check whether you’ve been hit

Attackers are actively trying to exploit CVE-2020-5902, a critical vulnerability affecting F5 Networks‘ BIG-IP multi-purpose networking devices, to install coin-miners, …

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Cybersecurity news