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Hardware keyloggers found on library computers

Public computers are usually not the best way to check your banking accounts, do online reservations or shopping. But, for people who don’t have access to a computer at …

Central management of self-encrypting hard drives

Lenovo and WinMagic announced SecureDoc for Lenovo, a full-disk encryption solution for central management of new self-encryption hard drives that meet the Opal standard …

The vulnerability species: Origin and evolution

There is an on-going arms-race in the IT security industry between vendors striving to produce secure software, and researchers’ and cybercriminals’ efforts (and …

A global shift in cybercrime

The target of attacks has shifted from traditional infrastructure to mobile users and endpoint devices, according to a new report. Research from SpiderLabs found that …

Endpoint security: The year ahead

Predicting the distant future of IT security is tricky, but the near future – the next 12 to 18 months – is a little easier. After all, the seeds of what is to …

McAfee provides unified endpoint management

McAfee released Enterprise Mobility Management 9.5 which includes integration with the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator platform, providing customers with unified management of …

Growing mobile workforce will increase security complexity

IT security administrators anticipate a significant increase in the number of users connecting to their network in the next year, with 54% citing specific growth in the number …

New consortium to improve security products

ICSA Labs has founded the Endpoint Security Consortium to help improve enterprise endpoint security products industrywide. The mission of the consortium is to create publicly …

Organizations still fail to control USB devices

A survey has found that USB Flash drive ownership has exploded with 100% of the 229 respondents having at least one such device and more than 21% owning as many as 10 or more. …

Dell releases endpoint encryption solution

Dell today announced Data Protection | Encryption, a flexible, manageable and auditable endpoint encryption solution. The solution is designed to help companies protect …

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