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Comodo updates its Endpoint Security Manager

Comodo released a new edition of Comodo Endpoint Security Manager designed to assist businesses with locking down and centrally managing their laptop, desktop and server …

Wave Endpoint Monitor detects anomalous behavior

Wave Systems announced Wave Endpoint Monitor (WEM), a solution that detects malware by leveraging capabilities of an industry standard security chip onboard the PC. WEM …

Sophos delivers complete security in a box

Sophos announced Sophos UTM 9, specifically designed to integrate gateway security and endpoint security in a single hardware or virtual box. It provides complete security …

Nominum releases mobile security solution

Faster mobile networks, explosive consumer demand, more powerful smartphones, and the influx of non-handset mobile-ready devices make mobile networks an attractive option for …

Secure USB desktop environment for the enterprise

Imation announced the general availability of its ultra-secure StealthZONE PC-on-a-stick desktop environment to enterprise customers. Already used by national governments and …

Hardening the endpoint operating system

Qualys CTO Wolfgang Kandek, talks about the effects of hardening the endpoint operating system and improving the resilience against common attacks. As the CTO for Qualys, …

A platform to stop APTs and malware

Bit9 announced the Bit9 Advanced Threat Protection Platform that protects all enterprise endpoints, servers and private clouds from cyber-attacks that bypass older antivirus …

Webroot delivers endpoint protection

The security landscape has changed and traditional signature-based software can’t keep up. A recent study of IT decision makers found an overwhelming 95 per cent …

Endpoint security through whitelisting

The latest release of McAfee Application Control is integrated with McAfee Global Threat Intelligence to show the file reputation of every file in the enterprise. This feature …

Windows 8 will have picture password sign in

As much as security experts would like for it to be otherwise, experience has taught us that no matter how many times some people are lectured on the use of complex passwords, …

Syncplicity launches Security and Compliance Console

With Syncplicity, users get their own secure Virtual Private Cloud where they use the applications, files and folders they are used to. With the File changes, no matter where …

Germany leads Europe for USB drive data security

Many organizations are ignoring the risk of unencrypted USB drives and are not following through with appropriate USB security policies. The Ponemon Institute research also …

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