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becrypt tvolution
The portable secure desktop: tVolution Mini

At the RSA Conference 2015 Becrypt launched tVolution Mini. The device is smaller than a mobile phone, but has the power of a PC, and transforms a monitor or TV into a smart …

How IT pros protect and investigate their endpoints

More organizations are operating under the assumption that their network has already been compromised, or will be, according to a survey conducted by the SANS Institute. …

Former lottery infosec head accused of hacking computers to buy winning ticket

The former head of information security at the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL), who was arrested in January 2015, stands accused of having tampered with the computer …

How to protect from threats against USB enabled devices

Reports have been circulating that e-cigarette chargers from China were corrupted and infected machines with malware. Many journalists took the story at face value, even …

Hack air-gapped computers using heat

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers have discovered a new method to breach air-gapped computer systems called “BitWhisper” which enables two-way …

Beware of spyware concealed inside games

Monitoring tools can be used for legitimate and malicious purposes. The first category includes parental control and employee monitoring software, the second one screenshot …

Real MITM attacks enabled by Komodia’s software might have already happened

When the issue of Lenovo’s pre-installed SSL-breaking Superfish adware first gained widespread media recognition, the company’s CTO Peter Hortensius tried to do …

Concerns around endpoint security

The overwhelming majority of information security professionals believe end users are their biggest security headache, largely due to their tendency to click on suspicious and …

How to wipe Superfish adware and offending cert from your Lenovo laptop

After the recent revelation that Lenovo has been shipping some of it laptops with pre-installed adware that’s also breaking the security of secure connections by using …

Endpoint security becoming critical focus area

Detecting and responding to modern threats on endpoints has become a key business priority according to a survey by the Enterprise Strategy Group. They polled 340 IT and …

Employees are still the biggest IT threat

Well-funded hackers with sophisticated tools made headlines and worried organizational leadership throughout 2014, yet the primary reason endpoint security risk has become …

Browser vulnerabilities to become biggest endpoint challenge

A growing number of flaws in web browsers is viewed as the biggest endpoint security headache by today’s IT decision-makers, according to Malwarebytes. With the number …

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