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Critical gaps in IT departments’ approach to enterprise security

A new study by conducted by Ultimate Windows Security, released at RSA Conference, provides visibility into the uses, concerns and challenges that IT departments face in …

cososys Endpoint Protector
Endpoint Protector: Fight data leakage on Linux workstations

At RSA Conference 2016 in San Francisco, CoSoSys released Endpoint Protector DLP for Linux in Private Beta, enabling protection against data leakages for confidential data on …

The rise of polymorphic malware

97% of malware is unique to a specific endpoint, rendering signature-based security virtually useless. The data collected by Webroot throughout 2015 shows that today’s threats …

Protecting enterprise data centers from threats that target Linux servers

Today’s internet is largely powered by Linux servers, many of which have become the target of attackers looking to utilize this vast pool of resources for much larger and more …

Endpoint security really can improve user experience

Traditional security policies are intrusive and impact user productivity. This is unfortunately the opinion of most end users. In fact, according to a recent study performed …

User key
Surge in endpoints drives need for security

The two most transformative trends impacting IT service providers (ITSPs) are endpoint growth and demand for security services according to a new Autotask survey of more than …

Confusion about IT security leaves devices at risk

When it comes to Internet security, consumer concern and awareness are both on the increase. However, despite a growing recognition of the need to protect devices, many …

Endpoint security lags in spite of vulnerabilities

Endpoint security solutions today continue to lag, failing to provide adequate protection or detection against today’s security threats, according to Promisec. Survey results …

Attackers use Google Drive, Dropbox to breach companies

A new type of attack, “Man in the Cloud” (MITC), can quietly coopt common file synchronization services, such as Google Drive and Dropbox, to turn them into devastating attack …

Qualys announces free global asset inventory service

At Black Hat USA 2015, Qualys announced the availability of Qualys AssetView, a free cloud-based asset inventory service that enables companies to search for information on …

Security challenges emerging with the rise of the personal cloud

Personal cloud is growing in importance as it shapes how employees operate across their digital lives, according to Gartner. End-user computing (EUC) and digital workplace …

Fox-IT launches cyberthreat management platform

Fox-IT launched at RSA Conference 2015 in San Francisco its Cyberthreat Management Platform, a suite of solutions, integration tools and expert services designed to provide …

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