endpoint security

Endpoint security automation a top priority for IT pros
A new SANS Institute report found that automating endpoint detection and response processes is the top priority for IT professionals trying to put actionable controls around …

Fooling security tools into believing malicious code was signed by Apple
The way developers of third-party security tools use the Apple code signing API could be exploited by attackers to make malicious code linger undetected on Macs, a security …

Can existing endpoint security controls prevent a significant attack?
Endpoint security solutions are failing to provide adequate protections to address today’s security threats, specifically malware, according to Minerva Labs. A majority of the …

Solving the dark endpoint problem with increased visibility and control
In this podcast recorded at RSA Conference 2018, Richard Henderson, Global Security Strategist at Absolute Software, and Todd Wakerley, EVP of Product Development at Absolute …

Easily exploited flaw in Microsoft Malware Protection Engine allows total system compromise
A critical and extremely easily exploitable vulnerability in the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine (MMPE) has been patched through an out-of-band security update pushed out …

Organizations blame legacy antivirus protection for failed ransomware prevention
More than half (53 percent) of U.S. organizations that were infected with ransomware blamed legacy antivirus protection for failing to prevent the attack, according to …

1 in 10 targeted attack groups use malware designed to disrupt
Cyber criminals are rapidly adding cryptojacking to their arsenal and creating a highly profitable new revenue stream, as the ransomware market becomes overpriced and …

Nearly half of security pros rarely change their security strategy, even after a cyber attack
Nearly half (46 percent) of IT security professionals rarely change their security strategy substantially – even after experiencing a cyber attack. This level of cyber …

Cryptojacking is the new malware
The success of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, is driving the increasing popularity of cryptomining, the process by which these currencies are earned. At its core, mining …

Email inboxes still the weakest link in security perimeters
Over one-third of all security incidents start with phishing emails or malicious attachments sent to company employees, according to F-Secure. Types of attacks The single most …

Microsoft to provide Windows Defender ATP for older OS versions
Microsoft will backport Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) to meet the security needs of organizations that have not yet entirely switched to Windows 10. …

How to keep your browser and devices safe from cryptojackers
Cryptojacking makes surfing the web similar to walking through a minefield: you never know when you might land on a booby-trapped site. Stealthy cryptocurrency mining scripts …