endpoint security

Cyberattacks fueled by geopolitical tension are increasing
Billions of personal records were stolen in 2018, unearthed in breaches that successfully targeted household names in government, technology, healthcare, travel and …

The rising importance of Data Loss Prevention in today’s data protection landscape
In this podcast, Roman Foeckl, founder and CEO of CoSoSys, talks about the growing importance of Data Loss Prevention at both endpoint and development level. Here’s a …

Netflix releases desktop versions of device security app Stethoscope
In early 2017, the Netflix team open sourced Stethoscope, an application that collects information about users’ devices and provides them with recommendations for securing …

Endpoint security solutions challenged by zero-day and fileless attacks
There is an endpoint protection gap against modern threats, the result of a recent survey by the Ponemon Institute and Barkly have shown. The organizations polled 660 IT and …

Most enterprises now running Windows 10, security hygiene no longer optional
Security is galvanizing around the move to Windows 10, the operating system that the majority of companies now run in their organizations, according to the 2018 Enterprise …

Break out of malware myopia by focusing on the fundamentals
Organizations today suffer from malware myopia, a condition characterized by threat-centric security programs caused by the ease of imagining a takedown by malicious code. …

Back to school: Lessons in endpoint security
It’s back to school season, and students, teachers and administrators are returning to campuses and classrooms. All of those students and staffers are working on desktops and …

Making informed decisions: The importance of data driven security
When deciding what product to buy, the information the vendor offers about the product is helpful, but not nearly enough: you need to analyze individual product results and …

Endpoint breach prevention by reducing attack surfaces
In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2018, Chris Carlson, VP of Product Management, Cloud Agent Platform at Qualys, talks about endpoint breach prevention by reducing …

Security concerns around the rapidly growing use of the Industrial Internet of Things
Organisations hold disparate and unrealistic views on protecting the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), in which endpoints are considered to be the most vulnerable aspects, …

Review: The Absolute Platform with Persistence Technology
Absolute is a long-time player in the endpoint security arena, specializing in endpoint visibility and control. Regarded as an industry leader in IT asset management for more …

Digital transformation: Visibility compliance in a transitional world
In this podcast, Darron Gibbard, Chief Technical Security Officer EMEA at Qualys, discusses digital transformation challenges, and illustrates what an organization has to do …