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What makes edge computing successful?

To compete in a digital-first world, organizations are prioritizing investments in digital tools to augment physical spaces and assets and enable seamless and secure data …

Attackers exploit another zero-day in ManageEngine software (CVE-2021-44515)

A vulnerability (CVE-2021-44515) in ManageEngine Desktop Central is being leveraged in attacks in the wild to gain access to server running the vulnerable software. About …

Patching takes 2.5 times longer when endpoints are remote

Action1 released a report based on the feedback from 491 IT professionals worldwide. The study explores how organizations patch and manage their remote and office-based …

Ransomware attacks surge, but victims are recovering quickly

Cymulate announced the results of a survey, revealing that despite the increase in the number of ransomware attacks this past year, overall victims suffered limited damage in …

Windows Defender
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint now detects jailbroken iOS devices

Microsoft has announced new and improved capabilities for enterprise security teams that use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android and iOS and Microsoft threat and …

How can companies prioritize contact center security?

Security is front of mind for a lot of organizations these days, especially due to the 400% increase in cyberattacks since the pandemic started. Notable and alarming attacks …

unified endpoint management
How do I select a unified endpoint management solution for my business?

Having an appropriate unified endpoint management (UEM) solution is important nowadays, not only because of the growing number of devices every organization has in its …

endpoint protection
Endpoint security: How to shore up practices for a safer remote enterprise

It’s a long-held belief that enterprise IT teams are overworked. It’s also considered common knowledge that their jobs have only gotten harder in the days since workforces …

Remote work increasing the growth rate of the EDR market

Malware and virus attacks have increased substantially over the years. With the evolution of modern technologies, the threats associated with them have also increased. But on …

endpoint protection
67% of IT pros concerned with teleworking endpoint misuse

43.13% of workers will stay remote after the pandemic ends and two out of three IT professionals are concerned with teleworking endpoint misuse, a new Prey study reveals. The …

Why enterprises need rugged devices with integrated endpoint management systems

The debate within business organizations of whether to use consumer devices or to invest in rugged devices for the operations side of their business is as old as personal …

Product showcase: USB-Lock-RP

USB ports in any organization’s network need to be controlled because connected devices such as USB drives and smartphones can be used to transfer malware to computers …

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