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Apache Milagro
Milagro: A distributed cryptosystem for the cloud

A new open source project within the Apache Incubator aims to create an alternative to outdated and problematic monolithic trust hierarchies such as commercial certificate …

prison cell jail
Suspect refuses to decrypt hard drives, is detained indefinitely

A former Philadelphia Police Department sergeant suspected of possessing child pornography has spent seven months in a detention center without being charged of any particular …

Defend encrypted data from quantum computer threat

If an exotic quantum computer is invented that could break the codes we depend on to protect confidential electronic information, what will we do to maintain our security and …

Former Tor developer helped the FBI unmask Tor users

A developer who used to work at Tor Project is the mastermind behind “Torsploit” (aka “Cornhusker”), the malware that was used by the FBI in 2012 to …

PGP-encrypted comms network allegedly used by criminals shuts down

The Dutch police has announced on Tuesday that they have pulled a system of encrypted communications used by Dutch and possible foreign criminals off the air, and that they …

Opera hand
Opera browser’s VPN is just a proxy, here’s how it works

Yesterday, Opera announced they’ve added a free VPN client with unlimited data usage in the latest developer version of their browser. Sounds great, doesn’t it? …

TeslaCrypt: New versions and delivery methods, no decryption tool

TeslaCrypt ransomware was first spotted and analyzed in early 2015, and soon enough researchers created a decryption tool for it. The malware has since reached versions 4.0 …

The many faces and tactics of Jigsaw crypto-ransomware

The Jigsaw crypto-ransomware got its name from the main bad guy from the popular horror movie franchise Saw, as its initial ransom note (either in English or Portuguese) shows …

world in hand
After issuing 1.7M certificates, Let’s Encrypt CA officially leaving beta

Let’s Encrypt, the non-profit Certificate Authority (CA) backed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mozilla, Cisco, Akamai, and others, is ready to be considered a …

petya ransomware
Petya ransomware encryption has been cracked

Petya ransomware hit companies hard, but the good news is that there are now tools available to get the encrypted files and locked computers back. The ransomware not only …

Bug in OS X Messages client exposes messages, attachments

When in March Apple pushed out security updates for its many products, much attention has been given to a zero-day bug discovered by a team of Johns Hopkins University …

Million-plus sites hosted on get free SSL

Friday brought some very good news for existing and future owners of sites hosted on they will be getting HTTPS protection without having to pay for an SSL …

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