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Matrix encrypted chat service
Police takes down Matrix encrypted chat service used by criminals

A joint investigation team involving French and Dutch authorities has taken down Matrix, yet another end-to-end encrypted chat service created for criminals. Matrix (Source: …

Liad Shnell
Choosing the right secure messaging app for your organization

In this Help Net Security interview, Liad Shnell, CTO at Rakuten Viber, discusses what organizations should look for in secure messaging apps, including encryption, privacy …

quantum computing
AI Kuru, cybersecurity and quantum computing

As we continue to delegate more infrastructure operations to artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computers are advancing towards Q-day (i.e., the day when quantum computers …

Miguel Guevara
Google on scaling differential privacy across nearly three billion devices

In this Help Net Security interview, Miguel Guevara, Product Manager, Privacy Safety and Security at Google, discusses the complexities involved in scaling differential …

Op Kraken arrest
Ghost: Criminal communication platform compromised, dismantled by international law enforcement

Another encrypted communication platform used by criminals has been dismantled and its alleged mastermind arrested, the Australian Federal Police has announced on Tuesday. …

YubiKey 5Ci
Vulnerability allows Yubico security keys to be cloned

Researchers have unearthed a cryptographic vulnerability in popular Yubico (FIDO) hardware security keys and modules that may allow attackers to clone the devices. But the …

Cryptomator: Open-source cloud storage encryption

Cryptomator offers open-source, client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. It’s available for Windows, Linux, macOS and iOS. Cryptomator works with Dropbox, …

Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Behind the scenes of Serious Cryptography

In this Help Net Security interview, Jean-Philippe Aumasson, discusses the writing and research process for Serious Cryptography, his latest book. With a career steeped in …

NIST releases finalized post-quantum encryption standards

NIST has finalized its principal set of encryption algorithms designed to withstand cyberattacks from a quantum computer. The announced algorithms are specified in the first …

Ankita Gupta
Overlooked essentials: API security best practices

In this Help Net Security interview, Ankita Gupta, CEO at Akto, discusses API security best practices, advocating for authentication protocols like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID …

Encrypted traffic: A double-edged sword for network defenders

Organizations are ramping up their use of encrypted traffic to lock down data. Could they be making it easier to hide threats in the process? On one hand, encryption means …

quantum computing
Preparing for Q-Day as NIST nears approval of PQC standards

Q-Day—the day when a cryptographically relevant quantum computer can break most forms of modern encryption—is fast approaching, leaving the complex systems our societies rely …

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