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Most impersonated brands in email attacks? Microsoft and Amazon

Nearly two-thirds of all advanced email attacks used emails impersonating Microsoft or Amazon, according to new research by Agari. Microsoft was impersonated in 36 percent of …

Firefox Monitor
Firefox Monitor tells you whether your email was compromised in a data breach

After a few months of user testing, Mozilla has launched Firefox Monitor, a free online service that allows users to check whether their email address was involved in a …

Analysis of half-a-billion emails reveals malware-less email attacks are on the rise

FireEye analyzed over half-a-billion emails from 1H 2018, and found that 32% of email traffic seen in the first half of 2018 was considered ‘clean’ and actually delivered to …

6.4 billion fake emails sent every day

The Valimail Q2 2018 Email Fraud Landscape shows that fake email continues to be a serious problem, with an estimated 6.4 billion fake emails sent every day. That total …

Telecom services: Patient zero for email-based attacks?

Organizations offering telecommunication services are seeing more advanced malware threats than organizations in other industries, Lastline researchers have found. They have …

Office 365
New Office 365 phishing attack uses malicious links in SharePoint documents

Fake emails targeting Office 365 users via malicious links inserted into SharePoint documents are the latest trick phishers employ to bypass the platform’s built-in …

Rise in email impersonation attacks makes companies re-assess their security efforts

Most companies believe they’ve experienced serious data breaches driven by email impersonation in the past 12 months – but are not doing nearly enough to prevent future …

The primary email security challenge enterprises face is trust

Only 34 percent of users without email security responsibility recall seeing email-based attacks in their inboxes, compared to 85 percent of email security professionals, …

The evolution of email fraud: Risks and protection tips

Marc Chouinard is Email Security Operations Lead at Vircom, an email security vendor based in Montreal, Canada. He has established a reputation as a no-nonsense leader in …

Office 365
Office 365 users targeted by phishers employing simple HTML tricks

Phishers are using a simple but effective trick to fool Microsoft’s NLP-based anti-phishing protections and Office 365 users into entering their login credentials into …

Vulnerability in GnuPG allowed digital signature spoofing for decades

A vulnerability affecting GnuPG has made some of the widely used email encryption software vulnerable to digital signature spoofing for many years. The list of affected …

Gmail users can now send self-destructing emails

Google is slowly rolling out a number of changes for consumer Gmail users and G Suite users. Some of the changes improve usability and productivity, while others are meant to …

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