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Most enterprises hit cloud migration problems, still run apps on legacy operating systems

More than nine out of 10 of US enterprises in the Dow Jones, Fortune 250 and 500, and S&P 100 have run into cloud migration problems when it comes to moving legacy …

How are enterprises coping with the security challenges brought on by digital transformation initiatives?

451 Research has polled IT decision makers at 400 larger companies about the current state of cybersecurity in their organizations, the security initiatives they have planned, …

Port cybersecurity: Safeguarding operations against cyber attacks

Port stakeholders are facing more and more cybersecurity challenges with the emergence of new threats, regulations and increased digitalization. Major incidents such as …

Data security and automation top IT projects for 2020, AI not a priority

Data security and automation are the top IT projects for 2020, while artificial intelligence projects are not in the top 10 for IT professionals, according to Netwrix. The …

IT professionals deem hybrid cloud as most secure

Enterprises plan to aggressively shift investment to hybrid cloud architectures, with respondents reporting steady and substantial hybrid deployment plans over the next five …

Network complexity and lack of visibility contribute to misconfigurations and increased risk

Enterprises are slow to abandon manual processes, despite being short staffed, as the lack of automation, coupled with increasing network complexity risk and lack of …

Enterprise expectations of managed service providers and public cloud providers are shifting

Enterprise expectations of managed service providers (SPs), along with their ecosystem of public cloud provider partners, are shifting and will drive fundamental changes in …

Key predictions that will impact CIOs and IT pros over the next five years

Time for action is growing short for CIOs in the digital era. Many continue to struggle with siloed digital transformation initiatives, leaving them adrift and buffeted by …

The digital economy is approaching a critical tipping point

As the current decade comes to an end, the digital economy is approaching a critical tipping point. By 2023, the global economy will finally reach “digital …

Global DX tech investments to total $7.4 trillion over the next four years

Worldwide spending on the technologies and services that enable the digital transformation (DX) of business practices, products, and organizations is forecast to reach $2.3 …

CIO role remains critical in leading enterprises through crises and transformations

The march to digitalization is so commonplace today that 40% of global CIOs have reached scale for their digital endeavors, more than doubling the proportion of enterprises …

How much organizations are investing in analytics and why

Despite 94% of organizations believing data and analytics is important to their digital transformation and business growth, most are not enabling a data-driven culture, …

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